Just back from seeing surgeon
Just back from seeing surgeon
Hey gang,
Well I just got back from seeing the surgeon. B/P 155/100 still high after new med. but we didn't address it. The lump I am feeling between the breast is in fact a hernia. He said they can repair it surgically, but he would wait to see if it gets worse of pops out and doesnt' move back etc. He thinks that could be causing my chest pain that radiates to my back, I guess he knows more than I.
Let me give you a quote from the letter he provided me in regards to the weight loss surgery. "On echocardiogram she has a high aortic trans-valvular gradient,despite a normally working 21mm tissue aortic valve prosthesis. This is most likely due to a valve size/body mass mismatch." OK so there it is in writing about the valve mismatch. He goes on to say he fully supports the recommendation for bariatric surgery.
When I asked him and his assistant was in there also, what is this stenosis, calification, scar tissue etc., what is it, his response is that it is a product of this whole valve and pressures issue. So what does that mean, it's like he is trying to get me to understand the amount of pressue on my valves and heart needed to supply the blood needed to rest of my body is under alot of pressure, which goes hand in hand with the gradients and stenosis. Does this make sense? He said by the size of my heart he would have used a 19mm valve replacement, but he knew that would be too small to give my body the blood supply that is needs, even said he had to work to get the 21mm valve in there.
OK so what do you think? I'm just as confused as I was when this all started.
Thanks guys for listening to me and giving me your advise.
Looking forward to hearing from you once again