Hello All!
New member of this wonderful forum. I’ve been getting some much needed help from everyone in here as I’m battling some serious psychological barriers through panic attacks and constant anxiety. Looking for some re-assurance.
Im 27 years old with BAV(mild to moderate regurgitation), 3.6 dilated root and “sinus arrythmias”. All things I’ve had since birth.
i have already addressed my worry over BAV and the root dialation (so happy to find out from you guys im at stage 2 of 5 when it comes to regurgitation, and that 3.6 dialated root isn’t an anuyerism.)
But now my occasional arrythmias are terrifying me. Again, if had them as a kid, but only now am I really aware of what they could be and could cause... I’ll give a rundown of my episodes and everything below:
* Episodes can last for seconds, 1min, 5mins or very rarely 30mins. They usually occur a couple times a week, but can happen several times a day, or very infrequently like 1 in 3 weeks. My bpm goes somewhere between 120-150.
* They almost always occur at night, when laying down they may be triggered by a change in posture, exertion, emotional anxiety/panic, coffee or alcohol(I don’t really every drink coffee or alcohol) I also think they happen often if I eat a big meal to close to when I go to bed. It very very rarely occurs during the day or from physical activity.
* recently I have gone about 5 days straight getting them in the middle of the night. I wake up in a slight panic with heart racing and then the episode really clicks in.
I recently came to the cardiologist with my concern, who said that we can’t officially classify these episodes as I’ve never had one during our testing, but she said it IS NOT AFIB. It surprises me she said that cause I was under the impression it was impossible to rule it out unless I was having an actual episode during testing. She said that during my 24 hr heart monitor, ekg, echo, stress test that she would be able to see signs of anything concerning. She said it’s most likely just “sinus arrythmia”.... she isn’t worried about event monitor or additional testing to find it.
but the amount of indecision around it makes me uncomfortable. Are we sure it’s not dangerous for my BAV or aortic root? Does her rational seem logical to you guys? Should I seek a second opinion? I feel silly doing that if they say the same thing. How successful are treatment options like ablation?
New member of this wonderful forum. I’ve been getting some much needed help from everyone in here as I’m battling some serious psychological barriers through panic attacks and constant anxiety. Looking for some re-assurance.
Im 27 years old with BAV(mild to moderate regurgitation), 3.6 dilated root and “sinus arrythmias”. All things I’ve had since birth.
i have already addressed my worry over BAV and the root dialation (so happy to find out from you guys im at stage 2 of 5 when it comes to regurgitation, and that 3.6 dialated root isn’t an anuyerism.)
But now my occasional arrythmias are terrifying me. Again, if had them as a kid, but only now am I really aware of what they could be and could cause... I’ll give a rundown of my episodes and everything below:
* Episodes can last for seconds, 1min, 5mins or very rarely 30mins. They usually occur a couple times a week, but can happen several times a day, or very infrequently like 1 in 3 weeks. My bpm goes somewhere between 120-150.
* They almost always occur at night, when laying down they may be triggered by a change in posture, exertion, emotional anxiety/panic, coffee or alcohol(I don’t really every drink coffee or alcohol) I also think they happen often if I eat a big meal to close to when I go to bed. It very very rarely occurs during the day or from physical activity.
* recently I have gone about 5 days straight getting them in the middle of the night. I wake up in a slight panic with heart racing and then the episode really clicks in.
I recently came to the cardiologist with my concern, who said that we can’t officially classify these episodes as I’ve never had one during our testing, but she said it IS NOT AFIB. It surprises me she said that cause I was under the impression it was impossible to rule it out unless I was having an actual episode during testing. She said that during my 24 hr heart monitor, ekg, echo, stress test that she would be able to see signs of anything concerning. She said it’s most likely just “sinus arrythmia”.... she isn’t worried about event monitor or additional testing to find it.
but the amount of indecision around it makes me uncomfortable. Are we sure it’s not dangerous for my BAV or aortic root? Does her rational seem logical to you guys? Should I seek a second opinion? I feel silly doing that if they say the same thing. How successful are treatment options like ablation?