Greetings all, just wanted to drop a quick note to introduce myself and say thanks for all the great information provided here. Here's my scoop, just turned 37 last month, was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve w/severe regurgitation back in Nov 2011 coupled with an ascending aortic aneuryism. Experienced some strange back pain in late Feb, cardiologist ordered a CT scan, turns out the aneuyrsm had some significant growth in the previous couple months. He had a surgeon contact me that night and I had the surgery 2 days later. I ended up with a St. Judes Mechanical valve and the aorta resection to repair the aneurysm. Everything went smooth and I feel pretty good to this point. I'm about 8 weeks out from surgery. Like most people it seems, my most immediate concern is figuring out the warfarin treatment...just seems like there's conflicting information everywhere on the matter. Anyway, i'm sure I'll be browsing this forum quite a bit and posting often. Thanks again for the great information. Regards, Sean