Hey all im 36 and just had a tricuspid valve replacement. Got the pig implant. I had endocarditis and i guess it messed my valve up. Im going thru the stages of grief right now because i just cant believe at 36 im going to have a rough road ahead. I dont have heart failure. I just keep reading studies of people with valve replacements only 25% of people who have them survive 20 years. thatll ut me at 56 years old. if im that lucky. its scary because i wanted a long life. I just got out of prison and im homeless. I dont know where to go or what to do. I dont have any family that would help me. I have a sponsor who is letting me stay on his couch, I just dont know where my life went so wrong. Why do valve replacements fail so much? Im just amazed at how quickly life is going. im really depressed. Anyway thanks for the support here.