Hello all my good friends out there! I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying a healthy and full life these days..! I'm giving it my best shot!!
What do you think about this?? I got off the Alere Medicare scheme back in June and told my cardio about it and she was/is in total agreement for me to use my own CoaguChek XS and call if and when I'm out of range. I've been in range since then, so no phone calls required.
I called in to my pharmacy to refill my Warfarin this morning and the cardio's office called me (new gal I never have talked to before) and she told me that they would NOT refill my Warfarin unless I provided them with a printout of my INR results! She told me that other patients provide her (the office) with a printout. I asked her if she'd checked with Miss M who is my Warfarin manager and she said she had..
I told her I've been hometesting since 1999 and that when I turned 65 and got on Medicare that I decided to go with them. Well, I didn't like all the mess/red tape with them plus they were more expensive on an annual basis than me buying my own machine/supplies and testing myself.
Previously I have had long discussions with my Warfarin manager and my cardio and both never said anything about a "printout". Well, I searched google and can't even find where the CoaguChek XS has a printout contraption available. In fact, there is no port on the machine to plug into..
This should get interesting..
What do you think about this?? I got off the Alere Medicare scheme back in June and told my cardio about it and she was/is in total agreement for me to use my own CoaguChek XS and call if and when I'm out of range. I've been in range since then, so no phone calls required.
I called in to my pharmacy to refill my Warfarin this morning and the cardio's office called me (new gal I never have talked to before) and she told me that they would NOT refill my Warfarin unless I provided them with a printout of my INR results! She told me that other patients provide her (the office) with a printout. I asked her if she'd checked with Miss M who is my Warfarin manager and she said she had..
I told her I've been hometesting since 1999 and that when I turned 65 and got on Medicare that I decided to go with them. Well, I didn't like all the mess/red tape with them plus they were more expensive on an annual basis than me buying my own machine/supplies and testing myself.
Previously I have had long discussions with my Warfarin manager and my cardio and both never said anything about a "printout". Well, I searched google and can't even find where the CoaguChek XS has a printout contraption available. In fact, there is no port on the machine to plug into..
This should get interesting..