Hello after a long time!!

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Hi Friends

I hope you'll remember me?! It's Jonathan (braveheart) from England, UK. Hope all's well or as well as can be expected!

Sorry for losing touch with you all. Alot has happened, I moved home etc. I had to have a cardiac catheter in the Summer, but I'm OK now.

I thought you may be interested to know that my mate (also a young AVR guy), has just finished building me a website, which I hope will help other from my own personal experience of living with congenital heart disease and the surgeries and caths that has entailed.

I would be delighted if people could have a look at my site and even happier if you'd leave a 'nice' message on my message board, perhaps saying what part of the World you are and what you've had done - I'm sure your messages will inspire others who may visit the site. My site is of course no substitute for this wonderful site, but just thought you'd be keen to see it. I think my mate has done a great job with the site.

My site is at: http://www.braveheart.me.uk

Well, wishing you well and a very Happy/Healthy 2003!!

Jonathan :)