You shouldn't have to force it down his throat.
You shouldn't have to force it down his throat.
Well, Ms. Janie... he?s now 6' 8".... 212 lbs!!
The beauty of the deal is...... if you teach the kid to ?take his medicine? at age 5... Then when he?s 6' 6" you won?t have to force the meds down his throat.
He?ll be in college working two jobs to pay for his education.... And even tho he?s 500 miles from home, doesn?t have time, or money.... he?ll go buy the meds and take them himself. Because you taught him that was the right thing to do when he was 5.
Harpoon, you shouldn?t have to force it down his throat. Seriously. Take him on your lap and in a relaxed, easy kind of conversation.... (not when he?s already fighting against taking it) explain why he needs to take it. Then explain the best way is for you to hold his nose, tip his head back and pour it down his throat followed by a drink of water. Then just go do it. Don?t argue with him... don?t let him think there is room for argument. I would never bribe, threaten or beat him. And if you don?t treat him in this same way about other things in his life, I can see why it wouldn?t work taking his meds. You have to be consistent.
The child certainly wouldn?t get an ounce of sympathy from me if he didn?t take the meds. He?d be in bed, period. No TV, no games, no nothing.
I guess you can call me ?Rain the hard ass Mom? Bet you?d love my kids tho!
You shouldn't have to force it down his throat.
Well, Ms. Janie... he?s now 6' 8".... 212 lbs!!
The beauty of the deal is...... if you teach the kid to ?take his medicine? at age 5... Then when he?s 6' 6" you won?t have to force the meds down his throat.
Harpoon, you shouldn?t have to force it down his throat. Seriously. Take him on your lap and in a relaxed, easy kind of conversation.... (not when he?s already fighting against taking it) explain why he needs to take it. Then explain the best way is for you to hold his nose, tip his head back and pour it down his throat followed by a drink of water. Then just go do it. Don?t argue with him... don?t let him think there is room for argument. I would never bribe, threaten or beat him. And if you don?t treat him in this same way about other things in his life, I can see why it wouldn?t work taking his meds. You have to be consistent.
The child certainly wouldn?t get an ounce of sympathy from me if he didn?t take the meds. He?d be in bed, period. No TV, no games, no nothing.
I guess you can call me ?Rain the hard ass Mom? Bet you?d love my kids tho!