Heartache Question

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Hello Guys

Recently I have been having this feeling of my heart fluttering type thing and it actually hurts a little bit, not bad but enuff to make me put my hand over my heart. My heart also seems to beat faster and harder during these periods. Then it goes away and I feel fine.

Any ideas?

I remember a couple of weeks ago there was a thread regarding fluttering sensations, but nobody spoke of any pain with it.....for mine I had an EKG and I wore a holter monitor for 24 hrs. Nothing showed up.
Usually the metoprolol keeps my heart quiet.
I've had some recent flutterings in between my regular beats but no pain; and I asked about it recently in a thread, which may be the thread Bina was referring to.

But Randy, your description sounds more serious than what I was describing, since you're having some pain also.

There are some here on this site who have written occasionally about having to take nitro. Maybe a search of that might be informational?

Hope you get more replies. It's good to see you posting again. Looking forward to some more of your fishing pictures too.