Christina L
Well-known member
Saw the pulmonologist today -
Saw the pulmonologist today -
ya know - I am beginning to think that you have to see all these specialists and piece things together yourself. Specialists truly do not go outside of their own expertise and don't quite see how our body systems are all interrelated. I swear!!
Western medicine is for the birds sometimes. It is great for surgery and that type of thing, but try to get an answer out of a specialist about how his area of expertise relates to another part of the body and the walls go up. Anybody know a good Chinese physician in Colorado?
My pulmonologist whom I saw today is a very nice man - he is better than most in knowing the interrelatedness of our body systems. He told me I have very mild sleep apnea and that "we can do nothing, get a titrated C-PAP sleep study, just keep wearing the oxygen..." I chose to have the titrated C-PAP study. He said as mild as my sleep apnea is, it should not be causing heart enlargement. Well, that is where I drew the line with him. I didn't tell him I doubt his thinking, but I do. I believe I have had sleep apnea for years and over time the lack of oxygen to my heart has caused it a lot of stress.
Anyway, that is the scoop on the doc appointment today. He told me he has an enlarged heart (I have borderline enlargement) - he is 6'5" and used to be a college basketball player - still is stick thin - he readily admitted that heart enlargement is from good or bad reasons.
Gina - hello!! - your poem will be in Emma's scrapbook.
Thanks again for such a lovely sentiment. You are so talented and have such a sweet spirit.
Cort - I guess I want you to know that you can be happy being single - I am just frustrated how stupid the gals are out there to not be beating down your door!! Thanks for the suggestions on how to change my way of thinking - keeping busy is good and music. My Mom always would keep busy in times of trouble - cleaning the house and such. It truly does help. But having fun is the best way to beat worry, as you know!
Karlynn - if you think about it, we are fed so many "lies" by the mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies, etc. etc. etc. The milk industry pays researchers to tell us that milk is the best thing we could possibly drink, etc. etc. That is what has happened with soy - it has been marketed to the public as a cure-all, when in fact, it isn't. Wayne and I sure fell for it. Maybe a little soy would be okay, but we drank a lot of soy milk and I drank lots of Boost and Ensure, thinking I was doing something good for myself. There is even soy in our margarine, which is Smart Balance brand.
Jax - glad to hear that Armour Thyroid is working for you. I asked specifically to be put on it - I didn't want anything synthetic, although I truly need to see an endocrinologist as the T3 and T4 are very important to monitor when a person has heart problems. As for hypothyroidism causing PH, I am not sure about that - just that the two are related somehow - hypothyroidism causes lung problems and heart problems which can cause PH - I truly do not know medically why all of this is related, but it is. BTW, my TSH was 4.1 and my T3 or T4 was almost nonexistent - the doc telling me my body wasn't able to make it.
Jax - I believe we have to be our own best friend when it comes to medical care. So many people don't understand our fears and worries - and we need to go with our gut feeling about things. I couldn't just leave my cardio's office last November with him telling me I had "possible right heart enlargement and we need to watch this closely." I had to know if I truly do have it (still don't know that) and what could be done about it - finding the reason for it. Since then, of course, I have found I have sleep apnea and hypothyroidism.
Interestingly, we were just discussing one of our cats with the vet tonight on the phone - Sophie has hyperthyroidism (she is 16 years of age) and the vet said that hyperthyroidism can cause heart problems AND hypothyroidism causes heart problems for them also - in cats - I wanted to ask him about people, but I kept quiet.
He might have told me more about hypothyroidism in humans than my people docs have told me!
Anyway, thanks all for your help and good wishes. I will slide off "stage" for a while - do not have my sleep study until July 3 and will not see the cardiologist until July 12.
There are so many on right now who need more help than I do.
This pulmonologist told me there is nothing wrong with my heart (per all letters and correspondence he has received on me) and that I need to believe that. Well, okay....for now.
Truly, I am trying to "be busy" (per Cort) and enjoy my life just day-to-day. It is all I can do - worrying will get me nowhere, as God says right in the Bible. Gotta listen to the Big Guy. Off for a walk...
P.S. Praline, thanks for your prayers. Much appreciated, more than you know.
Christina L
Saw the pulmonologist today -
ya know - I am beginning to think that you have to see all these specialists and piece things together yourself. Specialists truly do not go outside of their own expertise and don't quite see how our body systems are all interrelated. I swear!!
My pulmonologist whom I saw today is a very nice man - he is better than most in knowing the interrelatedness of our body systems. He told me I have very mild sleep apnea and that "we can do nothing, get a titrated C-PAP sleep study, just keep wearing the oxygen..." I chose to have the titrated C-PAP study. He said as mild as my sleep apnea is, it should not be causing heart enlargement. Well, that is where I drew the line with him. I didn't tell him I doubt his thinking, but I do. I believe I have had sleep apnea for years and over time the lack of oxygen to my heart has caused it a lot of stress.
Anyway, that is the scoop on the doc appointment today. He told me he has an enlarged heart (I have borderline enlargement) - he is 6'5" and used to be a college basketball player - still is stick thin - he readily admitted that heart enlargement is from good or bad reasons.
Gina - hello!! - your poem will be in Emma's scrapbook.
Cort - I guess I want you to know that you can be happy being single - I am just frustrated how stupid the gals are out there to not be beating down your door!! Thanks for the suggestions on how to change my way of thinking - keeping busy is good and music. My Mom always would keep busy in times of trouble - cleaning the house and such. It truly does help. But having fun is the best way to beat worry, as you know!
Karlynn - if you think about it, we are fed so many "lies" by the mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies, etc. etc. etc. The milk industry pays researchers to tell us that milk is the best thing we could possibly drink, etc. etc. That is what has happened with soy - it has been marketed to the public as a cure-all, when in fact, it isn't. Wayne and I sure fell for it. Maybe a little soy would be okay, but we drank a lot of soy milk and I drank lots of Boost and Ensure, thinking I was doing something good for myself. There is even soy in our margarine, which is Smart Balance brand.
Jax - glad to hear that Armour Thyroid is working for you. I asked specifically to be put on it - I didn't want anything synthetic, although I truly need to see an endocrinologist as the T3 and T4 are very important to monitor when a person has heart problems. As for hypothyroidism causing PH, I am not sure about that - just that the two are related somehow - hypothyroidism causes lung problems and heart problems which can cause PH - I truly do not know medically why all of this is related, but it is. BTW, my TSH was 4.1 and my T3 or T4 was almost nonexistent - the doc telling me my body wasn't able to make it.
Jax - I believe we have to be our own best friend when it comes to medical care. So many people don't understand our fears and worries - and we need to go with our gut feeling about things. I couldn't just leave my cardio's office last November with him telling me I had "possible right heart enlargement and we need to watch this closely." I had to know if I truly do have it (still don't know that) and what could be done about it - finding the reason for it. Since then, of course, I have found I have sleep apnea and hypothyroidism.
Interestingly, we were just discussing one of our cats with the vet tonight on the phone - Sophie has hyperthyroidism (she is 16 years of age) and the vet said that hyperthyroidism can cause heart problems AND hypothyroidism causes heart problems for them also - in cats - I wanted to ask him about people, but I kept quiet.
Anyway, thanks all for your help and good wishes. I will slide off "stage" for a while - do not have my sleep study until July 3 and will not see the cardiologist until July 12.
There are so many on right now who need more help than I do.
This pulmonologist told me there is nothing wrong with my heart (per all letters and correspondence he has received on me) and that I need to believe that. Well, okay....for now.
P.S. Praline, thanks for your prayers. Much appreciated, more than you know.
Christina L