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I was having problems three weeks ago, that is why I was not here all this time. I was have a terrible thirst. I went to the doctor after three days, did a blood workup and last week found out I have developed Type 2 Diabetes. I am going better, Seeing more clearly today. I am on the pill and self imposed diet. I have to get with a dietician to clear up some problems because of the vitiamin K factor. Otherwise, most regular sode sucks now and some diet sodas and water is great now. I will be talking to my cardio's nurse about the water pill I am on and the water situation. I am not reataining as much water right now, great for the legs. I am doing fine today. I will have some bad days, I have been warned about. I hope that everyone here gets blood workup or urinalsis for a diabetes check. you can develop it at any time. Take care and get checkups every year. I have family history that told me a story on diabetes. So take care anc be good.

Artic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Hi Caroline-

I'm sorry about your latest complication. I'm glad you are getting good care. We want you to be your healthy best. You take care now, and let us know how things are going. We worry when we don't hear.


because of family hx they check me every year some times twice a year.
Jeez, you would think we heart patients and our families would have been through enough! I think we should only be allowed to get one major illness. I am sorry you have to deal with the diabetes now on top of everything else! Take care of yourself, and you will regulate you levels and it will all be routine!
Caroline, I am so sorry to hear this. I have a few cousins and friends who have diabetes and they do all they are sposed to do and so far all are doing ok. Just have to watch out and live by new rules. I wish the best for you and that you will soon be feeling better. This is a bummer. God bless
hi caroline!
i was so sorry to hear about the diabetes. it runs in my family too and we are all checked each year.
i guess the good thing is that you can watch your diet and you are taking pills (not shots!!!).
please let us know how things go with you, ok? atleast it's treatable!!
be well, sylvia


I am grateful to the replies here. I am so glad that everyone here gets checked. It can come on you all of a sudden. Sorry, had to stop because it was time for me to do a finger prick reading. It was great tonight. The reading was 252. It will take time be be a normal reading of 200 and under. But I will get there. I was never surprised about the diagonsis, but the machine was a mystery. I got it figured out and everything is looking better. I did also have blurred vision which it getting better.

I remember a saying that the Lord never gives us more than we can handle. That is so true. I have been through major surgery and now diabetes. Life is not so tough. It is the way we live it. I intend to make the best of my situation. I will be getting with a dietician to get the diet down because I worry about taking in too much vitiamin K. So the diet thing will be worked out.

Right now, I enjoy water and so far diet pepsi. I was a Dr. Pepper drinker for many years, off and on. I now can't drink it . Yea. So I will be good in the soda department.

Take care all and I will update as often as I can. I will be going back for a followup next month with the pcp doctor. So until then, I will be good. She did give me a copy of a diet and food suggestions to follow in the meantime.

Be back later.

Arotic valve replacement
St. Jude's Valve

Sad to hear you have to carry an added burden. It seems the road of life has a few detours and potholes, and sometimes even turns into a rough bumpy gravel road, but we just keep going with optimism for beautiful scenery ahead.:D

I see that you were a Dr. pepper customer. ME TOO! I don't know if you realize it but there is a diet Dr. pepper. Not as good but similar in taste.
Keep an eye on the scenery even if the road gets rough.


Hello Caroline,

Diet Dr. Pepper is one of the better tasting diet drinks.
Also diet Vernors Gingerale is pretty good.

I drink a LOT of Crystal Lite Tea and find it palatible.
Crystal Lite makes a bunch of diet powder drinks,
including lemonade.



I sorry about you not feeling well, but that will change once your sugar stablizes.

A dietician sounds like a great idea, that should include in heart patients care also, there a lot of restriction with the coumadin and now you have to watch the sugars and carbs.

Thanks for sharing your story, I just had mine check last month 'cause right after surgery my glucose level was a bit high for a while.


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