Head aches and eye problems

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Jul 13, 2016
Western NYS
Had AVR on May 5 2017. All went pretty well except that I got cellulitis and Afib which prolonged my hospital stay to almost 3 weeks. I am now almost 6 months post op and off blood thinners and am taking minimal dose of metroprolol. Feeling pretty well and have gone through cardiac rehab with no difficulty. What I am having problems with are headaches around my left temple and vision problems. With no advance notice my vision becomes disturbed with inability to focus for about 3 to 5 mins. and a lingering headache. This very disturbing especially if driving. After effects are a feeling of lightheadedness and exhaustion. Not sure if this will go away in time or not. Echos show no problem with carotids. Dr says probably migraine . Anybody else have this post op.?
Hi Quarry - I've had visual problems since exactly the day after heart surgery - episodes of visual aura, that is ziagging paterns of light starting middle of vision expanding outwards and episodes of double vision, both of those every couple of weeks or so, and daily episodes of bright blobs of light dancing across vision (no floaters I stress but bright sparkles). No headaches though. There's been discussions about this on forum quite a few times - do a search for visual problems or visual disturbances.
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I'm having an aura right now.

Seem to be when I'm most dehydrated. Not uncommon in BAV patients. I've read it somewhere but don't recall or have the time at present to dig up an article.

Pain does not come with mine. I do agree that if you have concerns it is best to engage your physician.
I've occasionally had the bit where both eyes work but I cannot bring the two images into convergence. It is like double vision. It does not last long - seconds or so, but it is very annoying. Thankfully it does not happen often, but I never had it prior to valve surgery. I have no pain with my episodes, and usually just closing both eyes for a short while (less than a minute) is all it takes to resolve it. My ophthalmologist and I think it is some sort of muscle cramping in one eye, but since we cannot replicate the issue, we cannot test our hypothesis.
I used to get migraines with aura about twice a year prior to surgery post surgery I get migraine auras a couple times a month without the migraine. I also occasionally get cross eyed for lack of a better description.
Yes, I had the first one the week of my surgery (but I think a few days before). I had them frequently after surgery - a few times a week. They decreased, though. I am now 2.5 years out and it happens maybe one a month or two, or even less. The key for me is to take an extra strength Tylenol as soon as the aura starts - then the headache never comes and the aura goes away more quickly. My doctor thought it was hormonal. I never had a headache in my life prior to these events.
Yes, I'm having this as well. Just 7 days out now and feel great. The heart has become a secondary issue to what's currently happening.
i get wavy blurry eyes, feel dizzy and light headedness, can feel my head pulse has I can feel a slight thud. It's a pretty horrible feeling.
Docs have given me meds to see if that helps as I'm getting these daily at the moment & they can't pin point the reason as to why it's happening.
Mick,s post about describes what I am going through. Am taking tylenol and have been to eye doctor. Minimal change in eye glasses. What meds are you taking? Never had anything like this before.
Hi Quarry, I had about 6-7 episodes of it yesterday where I need to lie down for 10-15 min till they clear but it keeps coming back. Can't keep living like this. It better reduce soon.
im currently taking Brufen 3 x a day and Propranolol 2 x a day. I hope they start working.
mick1807;n879791 said:
I had about 6-7 episodes of it yesterday where I need to lie down for 10-15 min till they clear but it keeps coming back. Can't keep living like this. It better reduce soon.im currently taking Brufen 3 x a day and Propranolol 2 x a day. I hope they start working.
Although many of us got visual disturbance post surgery, yours sound a bit more than that. Propranolol, a beta blocker, has side effects listed of dizziness and visual disturbances, though rare: https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/27274#UNDESIRABLE_EFFECTS Usually we are all put on a beta blocker post surgery so if you are only seven days out of surgery the propranolol might be something to consider a culprit. Many forum members have had problems with beta blockers post surgery - one guy, I remember, passed out/fell over and got serious concussion - but there are other beta blockers your doctor can prescribe and some suit some patients better than others.
mick1807;n879805 said:
The Propranolol I was only put on after the blurry eyes as a possible preventer and also for blood pressure and disturbances of heart rhythm.
See your doctor then - seven days out of surgery is not that long so you should be able to contact someone since these episodes are having such an effect on you. All the best !
Don't overlook the dehydration issue mentioned, especially if you are on any kind of water tablet (Eg Furosemide / Lassix, Spironolactone). I had dizziness, sweating and a feeling of nausea, about 6 months after AVR surgery and went to my local emergency department. After many tests the verdict was dehydration. Might be worth having a glass of water when you next experience this headache etc and see if it helps, and if so increase your daily water consumption.

Also, I was surprised to see that you are off Warfarin after AVR, given also that you had A-Fib, even if it is a tissue valve. Is there a reason? I think worth checking that out too, sooner rather than later.
I have had migraine headaches most of my life, but I do remember right after surgery, they did get worse. It has been 20 years since I had my mitral valve replaced, but I do recall being very concerned because the symptoms of a migraine are similar to a stoke...well at least for me...
besides having the flashing lights and headache , I also get numbness and nausea. Sometimes my arm or side of face will become numb.
The migraines did get better , but now I take topamax to help control them.
Metroprolol now back to to one 25 mg / day. one half in morning the other half in evening. Still have the same problems. Drs. think it is migraine but I'm not sure of that. Other than that I feel great. Back to gym 3 days/ wk. Just trying to work through this
Now a little over 10 months since surgery and things have slowly improved. Not to say that I am 100% done with side effects, if that is what they are. However I still am plagued with the inability to focus the right eye for brief periods and a headache that seems to show up right afterwards. Meds have not changed in the last few months. Because of my post op problems and blood clots right after surgery I have had a 6 mo. echo which showed no clots. Still not sure how accurate those tests are for detecting clots. Starting to wonder if there is something else happening, ie. in the head. Cardio guy and PCP appointments next month. We will see.