Hawaii High

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karen wallin

Aloha everyone,
I just wanted to tell you all that this VR.com member was at an all time high last night! I was at the top of Mauna Kea Volcano, the altitude was 13, 776 feet and except for a little lightheadedness it was a great feeling. It was a dream come true for me two ways, one that I always wanted to do this and two, that I was here to do it! I wish I could have taken you all with me. Good place for the next reunion! (LOL)

Hang Loose,
Good for you!
That sounds like a great adventure.

I always wanted to go there, since they have a huge array of telescopes and the viewing is supposed to be fantastic.



Hi Kevin,
The view was so awesome, but we only got to see the night sky through a telescope brought by our guide. The big observatory telescopes are only for the scientists and University students I believe and the viewing for those devices is at a base down in the towns below. There are actually 13 different observatories!
Sounds great Karen! Very cool! We did the Hawaii thing twice after surgery. Was something I really wanted to do, and had put off.

We plan to "hang loose" in Kona in the spring again. It's certainlly addicting.

Have fun!


What an adventure! Have a great time.......Gina, watch out for that Kona coffee, delicious but extremely potent!