Have a date with a surgeon, well kinda

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2009
Darlington, Pa
Hey guys, how are "yins" doing, I got a date for an operation, not the one I want but I got one... LOL

I am getting my gastric bypass on the 12th, so it's coming up pretty quick. Wish me luck and I will keep you posted. Maybe I can loose enough weight by the end of the year that the dumb cardio's will finally fix the aneurysm... :D

Talk to ya soon.

Good luck, its a step forward. I'm glad to hear from you, I was wonderring how you were doing. The 12th is Justin's B day so I think it is one of the best days, I hope it turns out the same for you
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Well now, at least I know your still walking around! Nice to hear from you and yes, it does sound like semi good news. Keep us posted will ya?
Thanks everyone! I have gone from obsessing over the TAA, to obsessing over the WLS... LOL I could keep a team of head shinks busy.

I will keep everyone up to date, I go in for my last preop testing, and final doc apt on tues.... keep your fingers crossed for me. :D
We will, I promise. I'll be really happy when they say it's a go for fixing that inner tube before it blows. ;)