Jewel said:
I can't seem to find any threads on this topic - or otherwise called "alternative" medicine. I practice Tai Chi and Chi Gong and I am looking for some "holistic approaches" to my upcoming surgery. While I know you can't take 'botanicals' I am looking for things like.....
guided imagery - have you done that? when?
I "talked" to my heart before and after surgery. "We" discussed various issues such as the amount of trauma that it was about to undergo, that it might want to justifiably "strike back" afterwards, and other assorted issues.
I gave my heart certain guarantees concerning what our life would be like during and after recovery. I promised that I would never "make it" work as hard as I use to during aerobic conditiong, unless it wanted me to.
I considered our talk to be a give and take between friends!
However, after surgery, I realized that my lungs possibly felt left out of the conversation. So........................ I talked to my lungs.
I apologized for not realizing it was "part of the team" and my hope was my lungs could reinflate fully (I was having trouble with the right lower lobe coming back up to speed). I reminded them that I did quit smoking 30 years ago and I would never do anything harmful to them.
I suppose this sounds strange to those who don't know me, but my family wasn't surprised one bit. My brain/body connection belief is very strong.
I seem to be doing well; maybe this is the reason!