Has anyone used a "holistic" approach to surgery?

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I can't seem to find any threads on this topic - or otherwise called "alternative" medicine. I practice Tai Chi and Chi Gong and I am looking for some "holistic approaches" to my upcoming surgery. While I know you can't take 'botanicals' I am looking for things like.....

guided imagery - have you done that? when?

did you use ginger for anti nausea (on your wrists)?


Any ideas??

I used Biofeedback for pain control and for calming myself before surgery. Worked pretty well. Still needed some pain meds but the nurses were surprised at how little.
My calm came from above. I put all my troubles in His hands and He carried me through all of this. He led me to this site (with the help of Google :D ). He made me realize through this site that there are people out there that are facing and have been through more than I hope I'll never know. He brought me and my surgeon together and His hands were visible throughout my stay. Pain levels were nothing like I expected and I felt peaceful throughout. It may not be "politically correct" but I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT where my strength came from. Remember He answers all prayers, sometimes the answer is NO.

Off the Pulpit now.

I hope you find the peace and help I found. He is available 24/7.

Good Luck and,

May God Bless,

I use guided meditation when I get stressed. Works fairly well..In fact, when I was doing my MBA, I did a research project and actually got my work published in a journal. In one of my experiments, I was able to reduce my BP from 183/90 to 110/40 in 10 minutes. With some practice, I have found I can meditate almost enywhere (yes even driving... and no, I don't close my eyes... it's more about breathing tham anything)

- John
Jewel said:
I can't seem to find any threads on this topic - or otherwise called "alternative" medicine. I practice Tai Chi and Chi Gong and I am looking for some "holistic approaches" to my upcoming surgery. While I know you can't take 'botanicals' I am looking for things like.....

guided imagery - have you done that? when?

I "talked" to my heart before and after surgery. "We" discussed various issues such as the amount of trauma that it was about to undergo, that it might want to justifiably "strike back" afterwards, and other assorted issues.

I gave my heart certain guarantees concerning what our life would be like during and after recovery. I promised that I would never "make it" work as hard as I use to during aerobic conditiong, unless it wanted me to.

I considered our talk to be a give and take between friends! :)

However, after surgery, I realized that my lungs possibly felt left out of the conversation. So........................ I talked to my lungs. :)
I apologized for not realizing it was "part of the team" and my hope was my lungs could reinflate fully (I was having trouble with the right lower lobe coming back up to speed). I reminded them that I did quit smoking 30 years ago and I would never do anything harmful to them.

I suppose this sounds strange to those who don't know me, but my family wasn't surprised one bit. My brain/body connection belief is very strong.
I seem to be doing well; maybe this is the reason! :)
Guided Imagery Tapes

Guided Imagery Tapes

I used Guided Imagery Tapes from Health Journies which were provided by our Hospital before Surgery. I found them to be very beneficial during the week befor surgery and during Surgery week in the hospital. I continue to use them now(I am 4 weeks out now) in the middle of the night when I cant sleep. They have a very calming effect and also help in erasing all those negative thoughts that seem to crop up from time to time.

Good luck

Sure appreciate the posts

Sure appreciate the posts

Thanks for replying- I got the guided imagery that Cleveland Clinic uses - and yes they are Health Journeys. I plan to try to play them during as well as before/after - i think I like the idea of "talking" to my body. Goodness knows I used to talk to it when playing sports, why not now huh?

I'll try a bit more connecting via my "sports analiogies" and I appreciate the reminder to 'connect above' - perhaps we can all write something to help others!

Guess I better go get a bunch more batteries as I like the idea of playing the tapes and/or music etc. when I wake up at night - which I already do, so can imagine this will be crazy. :eek:

Think I will be the only person standing up doing Chi Gong/Tai Chi moves the night before surgery? hahahah I should take digital photos for you all to laugh at during the reunion.

Thanks again for taking the time to share.