has anyone had valve leak after surgery

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Sep 7, 2011
:mad: Has anyone had aortic valve leak after surgery? Im suppose have my third ohs in a month due to leaky aortic valve. First surgery in june, second in august, third will be next month. Im scared because aortic valve leaking even after 2 ohs. My aortic valve got eaten away dueto endocarditis. Has anyone experienced so many redos? Im finally going to be at better hospital (northwestern) so im hoping with better surgeons and technology there this surgery will work but still scared.
Hey. I'm annoyed that I'm having my 2nd ohs in 4 years so I really do feel for you having 3 in a few months. I've read that people have had 3 or 4 redos in the past. It gets more risky due to more scar tissue so it's good that you are going to a hospital that you have more confidence in. Hope it all goes well. Good luck!
Wow Darla that really sucks that you are once again facing OHS. As for your question about others having leaky valves....I've been told by my cardiologist that my mechanical aortic valve is leaking a small amount. The surgeon says it's not leaking, and that it's normal blood flow that can show up as a tiny leak on an echo. Who do I believe? I don't know. I think future echos will determine any leakage. My surgery was in July, and my next echo is booked for January.
Keep us posted on your progress and know that there are lots of good thoughts and prayers being sent your way.
Wow. Have they done blood cultures or did they culture tissue when they replaced your valves in June and August? It almost sounds to me like there may still be the infection going on that is causing the ongoing problem.. Where is the leak, On the suture line? My other thought is weak tissue might not be holding the sutures if thats where the leak is. Either way I think it is a very good Idea to go to a more exeperienced surgeon/bigger center like you are.

The 1 "good" thing, if anything could be considerred "good" when you are having so many OHS, is since the time is so short between your surgeries, you shouldn't have time to be building alot of internal scar tissue, which is one of the main things that can cause complications in REDOs or multiple REDOS.
I hope this newest valve will last you a very very long time.
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So sorry to read that you are having to undergo yet another OHS! Unfortunately, it does happen to some patients.

I had to undergo my 2nd OHS in Dec/1975 due to the mechanical mitral valve leaking. I had undergone my 1st just six months prior and the sutures around the valve tore loose, and they had to go back in there and redo it. I was given a 50/50 chance of pulling through that operation. But by the Grace of God I did make it and continued to live a full life for 31 years! I've since had a 3rd OHS to swap out the mechanical aortic valve with a new one. The 36-year old mitral valve needs to be replaced too but the doctors will not do it until there is no other way about it because of the high risks. It has become stenoic due to scar tissue development in and around the valve.

My prayers and best wishes going out to you for a successful remedy to your situation.

Don't give up.....I think you'll be just fine! :)
Darla - If you're going to Northwestern, ask for a consult with Dr. McCarthy. He is one of the top surgeons in the country for aortic valves. (No connection to the good doc - just a happy and satisfied patient.)
Very sorry to hear of your issues... glad you know it and will be getting it repaired. for reference - My Dad has had multiple OHS (4) over the years and has tried mechanical, tissue and most recently human. his last problem was very nearly death do to endocarditis and because of scar tissue, previous surgeries and how much the endocarditis had eaten away -- they decided to replace the valve and part of the aorta itself with a homograft (human). he is 88 and had this last surgery 3 years ago - he is still walking around !! with a good hospital and good surgeons, I'm sure they will make the right decisions and "fix" you.

Good luck and best wishes...
Thank u so much fr all the replies. The leak is coming from surture due to weak tissue caused by endocarditits back in june. All blood cultures show 'bug' is gone and has been. I was under the impression tissue got stronger with time. Im just scared because im feeling better and now i have to endure all again and im putting alot of trust in this surgeon. Ive wondered if these leaks every heal on their own with time?
Im going trust god that he guides this surgeon. Im young with little kids and i need alot of life left in me. Keep me in your prayers and i keep all of u in mine. My cta in couple weeks. I will keep everyone updated.
You had me scared for a moment. Glad they was able to find the problem and fix it. I had repair when I was eight and the procedure for it was experimental. Repairs are easier to do nowadays and replacements are an everyday thing. I was lucky, i was born with the leaky heart valve, repaired at eight and replaced at 36. It is hard when there is an unexpected complication. Hope you are feeling better and get stronger soon. And for the question on leaks, they have be worked on, to go away. But modern medicine has come a long way. Be good and hugs for today.
I had a repair on my Tricuspid valve due to endocarditis back 23 years ago. It failed and I am now waiting for a mechanical valve hopefully next year. I did not know that the Aortic valve got effected by Endocarditis???

Good luck anyway!!!!
I had my aortic valve replaced due to endocarditis damage at the end of April, no leaks so far as I know. Out of curiosity how did they discover the leak? I ask because I've only seen a cardiologist once since surgery and my GP doesn't listen to my heart. The only tests I've had since surgery are blood every week and 1 ekg a couple of months ago. I'm assuming you had major symptoms.

I wish you didn't have to suffer all of this and that all goes well this time.
3's the charm
If my PCP did not listen to my heart every time I was in her office, I'd be looking for a new doctor. Just me but I think that is pretty basic for a patient who has had any OHS.

I don't pretend to know better than doctors but I need that comfort level to know a doctor has listened and not heard a murmer. That is how many of us first learned we had valve issues.
I thought it was standard procedure for them to listen to heart and lung function every time, regardless of whether or not you had heart issues. I think I would be looking for another doc, too, if they didn't do this especially given a mechanical valve. I have had the docs ask if they can send students and/or nurses in to listen to the mechanical valve, as it isn't every day they see someone with one around here. It personally doesn't bother me.

Darla, I will be sending prayers your way. Let's all hope that they get it right this time around and you don't have any issues for a long, long time!
I have been thru 3 surgeries, the last one after endocarditis was treated. My mechanical aortic was leaking where it had been placed 8.5 yrs before. My mitral was leaking severely from the attack of the bacteria. To answer your ?, I have found that after surgery, a tiny leak is usually detected, but the surgeon and cardio are never worried about it.
I agree that it's so important to get the best surgeon. My surgeon moved my aortic valve up along the aorta, to avoid the formerly infected tissue around the mechanical ring, and it's good that he had the experience to think of doing this and then do it. I recovered fast from my 3rd surgery. Try not to worry. At least having had 2 surgeries, you know more of what to expect! Of course, each time something else might come up, but I found I was ready for anything, and so willing to get better, walk the hospital halls to feel better.
I hardly coughed at all this last surgery. That made a huge difference. Maybe the 4 chest tubes made the difference in drainage, so less coughing? All the best to you!+
Well i made it the third time!!!! I ended up having homograft and with God there are finally no leaks. Northwestern was wonderful!!!! Thank u for alll your prayers and kind encouragement.