Happy One Year Anniversary Lorraine!

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi Lorraine,

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you a very speical day today! I hope you stay healthy and have many many more anniversaries ahead!

I am coming up on my 2nd, and still recall how special my first one was to me. My wife got all of the folks that stopped in the hospital to give support to her while I was in surgery together, and we all celebrated.

So here's to you.. raising my glass.. wish I could click it with yours in person. Guess we can do that in Vegas!

Thank You Rob! I'll probably have a beer about 8:00 tonight when I go out for dinner. I'll tip my glass to you then, Rob! We can also do it again in Vegas of course!

I was going to post at lunch today that it's my 1st Year Anniversary. I was reflecting on how this last year has been. It's been great! No major problems post surgery. I've had INR problems, but nothing that a little Coumadin and food adjustment hasn't solved. :D

I feel very lucky to be alive! Modern Medical Technology is great! I an eternally grateful I found this forum, even if it was post surgery. I want to Thank each and everyone who has answered my various questions and concerns. I know I made it through the last year so well because I belong to this wonderful support and information group! You are all my Heart buddies! Everyone here is very caring and concernd because we do care!

I especially want to Thank Hank (who created this great site) and Michele who has endured with him through it all. A toast to you both!

I am very happy that I was able to make the Nashville Reunion in October of 2001 and meet everyone who could get there. In October of 2000 I didn't even know I needed valve replacement! I was being trated for asthma! :( :confused:

I'm going to try and stay as healthy as I can. I take one day at a time. I try to walk as much as I can. I try to eat healthy most of the time. Each new day is a breath of fresh air! It's good to be here alive! :) Take care, everyone!
Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Hi Lorraine,

I just read Rob's post and your reply. What a wonderful anniversary to be celebrating!:)

I know that when I think about current medical technology and the years that my recent AVR have added to my life, I smile broadly. It's been only 10 days post-op for me, but the smile hasn't gone away. Does it ever?

It sounds like you're enjoying life, and I know from your many posts, you're giving valuable support and information to others who are facing what you have conquered.

Best wishes for many, many more anniversaries.

Ron K.
Congratulations Lorraine

Congratulations Lorraine

Hi Lorraine

As one of the few non clickers/bangers on the forum lemme add my congratulations on your first anniversary.

It was a real pleasure to meet you in Nashville and hope to see you in Vegas.

Many happy returns.
Happy anniversary gal!!! Ain't life just GRAND?????

Take care
I wanted to Thank Everyone for your well wishes!


I can honestly say that my smile hasn't gone away.
:) :) I think about what was done to me and think Wow! This was done to me and I'm here to talk about it! Just amazing!

The best thing for me was finding this site! I had just got home after staying a month at my sisters. I was going through that depression stage because I really didn't have anyone around who I could relate to about this. Then low and behold, I found this forum. I was timid to log on at first. I first looked up the personal stories and found Rain. I sent her a email. After a couple of weeks of emailing her, she encouraged me to get on the forum. I so glad I did. My best mental support has been here! It's too :cool:

Billy! I knew you have been viewing , even if you don't post too often. From a clicker to a non-clicker....Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you again in Vegas. Don't you have a very festive holiday coming up soon? Remember. I'm half Irish! :D

Zazzy! Thank You! Yes Life Is Grand! You have gone through so much but you manage to cross every hurdle. Positive attitude, good doctors and such a great support group do help! Take care!
Hi Lorraine.

Also wanted to give you my very best wishes on your first valve anniversary.:)
Isn't it great to be able to do everything you did before? It sounds like you are enjoying every minute of your life, and I sincerely hope you have many, many more anniveraries to celebrate.


Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's Mechanical
Lorraine - tks for reminding me - had my second anniv for quad bypass 3/8 so guess we share the day. Glad to be sharing with you. Been so busy w/my bro I just forgot.

Know Rob is pretty close behind us.
And a Happy Anniversary to you Hensylee. You've come a long way, baby! Two years of better health.

How is your brother doing, by the way?


Hi Henslyee,

Best wishes (belated) on your 2nd anniversary of a very successful quad-bypass surgery. Thanks for sharing your good news with us new kids here.;)

You're posts, especially to the new members are always so warm and friendly, I've come to think of your picture when I hear the phrase "southern hospitality."

I hope you have many, many more of these anniversaries.

Ron K.
Thanks - when I look back over the past two years and the things that have happened in those short years, I wouldn't have missed them for anything and I have my cardio and surgeon to thank for the extra time and if I went tomorrow, I sure had a good time while here. During the past two yrs have had most good, a little bad, but still wanted to be around for them. I cannot express the goodness and support received from this site - found it when I didn't have a clue about hearts as mine was pretty sudden. Learned so much, made so many new friends. What a blessin you all are. Come sit and rock with me on my front porch, have a glass of iced tea, listen to the pines whisper and pet my ole hound dawg, Miss Sally Sue. You'd be welcome any time. God bless
Nancy, thanks for asking about Richard. He has a tough time of it. Is now on a walker and it just breaks my heart. Parkinson's is such an enigma - good days/bad days. Depression - lots of bad stuff, but the staff at assisted living facility tell me about his good sense of humor and his jokes (very dry remarks) from a professor type you'd never expect to have a joke in his head anywhere. About all we can do is just hope for the good days - and visit him a lot! That's what I do with my days now. And if I don't go, we are on the phone together many times during the day. So very sad - and guilt, too, goes along with it - i.e. I am fine/he is not.

Got the news on my hip this week, too - no break. Whatever happened way back in Sept caused bursitis and that was the reason for so much pain in the weeks afterward. But he persisted to find out if there was a break and finally had his answer Tuesday. So now can get on with my life.
Hi Hensylee,

Happy 2 Year Anniversary to you. Funny how life gets back to normal and time just flies by. Sitting on the front porch sitting on ice tea and listening to the pines sounds wonderful to me. Good company and a peaceful setting! The friends we all have made here are certainly very special, and I am very glad to have yoyu as my heart friend.

Hope you have a healthy year as you start into your next years' anniversary.

I'm so glad to hear that you don't have a break in your hip.

It's tragic about your brother. I'm an only child, so can only imagine how devastating it must be to see your brother with such a debilitating disease. My dear Hensylee, guilt is something you should never even allow into your head. You too have had your share of health and life problems. It is a blessing to your brother that you have the health to help him when he needs it and I'm sure he loves every minute of your company, whether in person or on the phone.

God bless.
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ist year anniversary

ist year anniversary

hi Lorraine congrats on your first year anniversary . Ijust celebrated mine 6 weeks ago , I agree the coumadin is very
tricky but one gets used to it over time .
All the best .
Dara tricupid valve replacement feb 9th 2001
Dr Valentin Fuster ( my angel
Dr . Randall griepp Mt Sinai Hospital New york city :)
Double celebration

Double celebration

Hey Hensylee

You and Lorraine, have anniversaries on the same day, wow!!

You kept yours so 'quiet' I almost had to read between the lines to find out...............

Well Irish Congratulations to you also, I can't think of anybody here who deserves it more. You seem to be 'here' for all of us when we need you, and you also find time to care for your Brother and your family of pets........but then that's just the kinda 'Lady' you are.

A living example of the old biblical phrase that.........

'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

My personal thanks for all the help you've given me and God Bless you and yours,
Hi Dara-

Happy Anniversary to you also. I see you're a member at last. Welcome to the site. You'll love the feedback you get here.

I hope to see you here often.
Hi Everyone,

Thanks again for the well wishes!

Nancy: Thank You! I hope you and everyone else that posted can make it to the Vegas Reunion. I would love to meet you all.
The Nashville Reunion was such an experience for me. Meeting everyone and hearing their stories made me realized what a tight bond we all share!

Christina: Yes I am enjoying everyday. I think where I was a year ago. You know how you feel after surgery when everything hurts and you feel like your body was run over by a Mack Truck! The healing process my body went through after such an ordeal, did make me realize how precious each and every day is!

Janie: I Thank You on such a windy southern hospitality. The winds were just horrible here yesterday. The temp was in the mid 50's at 8:00am yesterday. At 10:00am a cold front came through, dropped the temp to 25 degrees and the wind was a howling! I think gusting at 50-60mph's! It was definitely one of our more unbearable windier days!

Hensylee! How :cool: We share the day. You were first so I'm sharing the day with you. Congratulations on your second Anniversary. I wish you manny manny more too! I totally agree with you, I wouldn't have wanted miss being around either. I'm a very family oriented person and we just had our 1st reunion ever with all of my 11 other brothers and sisters and families last August. And I was able to be there for that! It was a memorable time that I was thankful to be here for! :) I'm glad there wasn't a break in your hip! I'm sorry about your brother. It sounds like he's trying to keep that postive mental attitude too. All we can do is make the best of the time we have here. God Bless!