Happy Holidays

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
Newton, MA
Just want to wish my VR family real happiness. I haven't been logging in much lately, but I want you to know I am still keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Many of you have really touched me with your posts and care, and often I don't reply to let you know. I'm sorry for that, but please accept a blanket thanks to you all. I lost my elderly friend with Alzheimer's, (a blessing in my view) and my mum has been in the hospital for a few weeks. She is stable, and hopefully will be released Monday. She's doing alright for almost 83. I am doing well, echo last week shows no changes!:) I'll try to acknowledge you wonderful folks more often! Merry Christmas! Your valve bro, Brian
Brain,I am sorry to hear about your friend and my condolences to all

Your mom is in my prayers as i type this.

Christmas season seems to make for bit more stressfulness when

such as these things take,place,ive been away too,but reading and

praying,we all seem to have our share and absences but we still are

in each others thoughts and prayers.....I am saddened by your post

and will add my prayers,thank-you for informing us of this.

All the best and keep us posted whenever you are able.

zipper2 (DEB)
Hope your Mom gets home for Christmas and wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Dear Brother Brian,
I'm sorry to read that your friend was afflicted with Alzheimer's disease and has now passed away. Please accept my sincere condolences.
I pray that your mother will recover quickly and completely, and you will have her home by Christmas.
Take it easy and rejoice in the good news concerning your valve.:) We're here when you need us.:)
Hi Brian ~ I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. I hope your mom is well enough that she will be sent home, as planned, on Monday.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too!
Thank You All

Thank You All

It is so wonderful to have a community like this! I belong to a couple of sailing e-communities and they are great, but not quite like this place. You folks make me laugh and cry on a regular basis, it makes me treasure the connection I feel to you all. Hank and Ross, special thanks to you guys for making, and maintaining this place! And the rest of the gang, thank you for being here. I really appreciate your responses to me, all the support and knowledge, and all your participation here. Your valve brother, Brian
Hi Brian, sorry to hear about your friend and i hope your mum gets better soon. Sending lots of best wishes. I for one will be glad to see the back of 2008 and hope you new year will be better. Hope you have a great christmas and merry christmas to all.
Brian, hugs & prayers are coming your way. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I pray that your mom will make it home Monday as planned. Merry Christmas and hope the New Year is even better!
Hi Brian. Thank you for your lovely wishes. It is true that there are so many wonderful people here on VR.com who seem to hold the place together....always conversing, always responding, always here! Aren't we lucky to have them!!!!!!! Then there are some of us who swing in and out with unpredicatable irregularity but feel strong ties. And there are some who we only see briefly, but we still have so much to share with them.

This is such a unique "place". It's like the best support utopia one could conjure up in their imagination. It's a 24/7/365 group hug!! And there are great "hey! snap out of it" conversations, too! It seems that these heart connections do bring out a real-ness, a depth, that is hard to find elsewhere.

So here's wishing you a lovely holiday. I hope your mother will be well soon as I'm sure that will make your holiday so much better.

Best wishes.

Dear Brian,
Merry Christmas to you too my friend & to your family! I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend! I'm glad to hear your dear mom is doing better & may you continue to have her around for many years still!

Glad to hear that your Echo was good & I pray for your continued good health!

Take care! :):)

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....


Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Blast = 01/17/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Maybe next year I'll give it to someone...special" ... WHAM! ... 'Last Christmas'

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