Happy Hanukkah

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yes happy hanukkah
early this year isn't it. My husband is Jewish. I guess you can say we are a blended family. Will have to do a potatoe Latka party this weekend.
This is late.... but thank you nancy. I am jewish, and it was good to have thanksgiving and the start of channukah so close together. My reletives celebrate channukah and my immediate family a combination of the two. It started because no one had channukah off. My father changed the name and called in channuk-mass all one word. As the tradition in my family all the gifts are opened christmas eve. This year however, I have already received some/ all gifts not sure. My sister married a non jew so they light the candles and have a christmas tree. My nephews don't know the prayer over the candles so I started to teach it to them. martha
i didn't like having chanukah so close behind thanksgiving. felt kinda rushed to get all my nieces and nephews their gifts - and my kids too. the good thing was that our older daughter was home from college and we were all able to celebrate
chanukah together.
i felt that it snuck up on me!
it was fun though. for years our kids have been asking for a christmas tree or "chanukah bush" , but i grew up in a very traditionally, religious jewish home and just couldn't do it.
wishing everyone here a happy and healthy holiday. christmas is around the corner!
stay well, sylvia