Happy Fourth of July; ready for surgery

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Thank you so much for posting for her. She has been on my mind and in my prayers all day. I hope it is smooth sailing from here on out!
Thanks for posting, Brett. I've been wondering how your mom did.

Tell her we're all rooting for her to have a boring and uneventful hospitalization.
I'm so happy with the news that I'm posting twice!! Adamsmom started a new thread but just so I don't miss out on the well wishes being read by Terry and her family, I want to say GREAT JOB, TERRY!!

:D Marguerite
Great news. I can "hear" the relief in son Brett's post. We continue to wish Terry well.


Thank you so much for taking the time to update us as we are always a bit anxious, although we KNOW the outcome will be good. We just really like that extra bit of reassurance. Send your mom our hugs and we will keep her in our prayers for a very smooth recovery. Hugs. J.
Thanks for the updated post, Brett.
Please give your mom my best wishes for a speedy return home.
what great happy news. Tell Terry she has a VICTORY Fourth of July heart and can celebrate her victory with the whole nation every year. She still has our prayers. We will be right here waiting for her when she feels up to writing. thanks Brett, for letting us know.


So glad Terry is doing well... 'Still praying for smoothness during her recovery...


well we had a minor setback today, but it worked out ok. Her heart kept stopping every few hours or so and the pacer she was hooked up to had to kick in. This morning Dr. Oswalt ran a few tests and determined that she would need a pacemaker. So while that is not what we were looking forward to, it will help her out a bunch. They put it in this evening and everything worked out. She should be out of ICU by the morning.
So sorry you all had this scare, but hoping that this is a minor bump in the road and that she gets out of ICU today and on the road to recovery.
Praying that all stays well now. Many members do end up with pacemakers so Terry is in good company. Thank God things like pacemakers exist to help our "tortured" hearts heal after OHS.
Please give our very best hug to Terry.


I'm so sorry about the pacemaker, but I am so glad that they discovered that now. Better to take care of it all now rather than have this develop a few weeks or months down the road as some have had. Thanks for keeping us posted. Let your mom know that we are still thinking about her and praying for her. Hugs. J.