Happy Easter

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
HAPPY EASTER TO YOU As Easter and spring arrive, it is a time for new beginnings. Most of us in the VR site have had a new beginning already, or will have one soon. For all of us, may there be peace, love and good health in your life from this day of new beginning and for always. God bless us, Everyone
Hi Hensylee,

Happy Easter to you! Hope you have a bright sunny day in FL. I forget what the sun looks like. It's been raining for 3 days here in Nashville, but they say the sun will shine tomorrow! I was beginning to wonder if I should build an ark.

Now don't go eating too many of those easter candies. <smile>

A very Happy Easter to you too Hensylee and to all the other members of VR.com.

Spring arrived in Northern Ireland last Wednesday and continued till Saturday. I actually saw two 'open' convertibles on Friday which is an unusual sight here before June. We're back to autumn now, but then it always rains here over the Easter period, irrespective of when it falls.

I think it's time I headed somewhere warmer to recharge the batteries.
Rob, all that rain's acomin thisaway today - overcast. Sposed to have thunder/lightning. Hope all the eggs are already found. Goin to see my bro and hope I can get back through the sea that forms at the end of my drive on my dirt/clay road. If ya'll don't hear from me, send the Marines.

Billy - I have not seen any convertibles, open or otherwise, around here. If there are any, they are closed today

God bless:D

Happy Easter (or happy Passover) to all of you. I hope you have a great day.

Rob -- If you start building that arc, have total confidence in your work. Remember, Noah's ark was built by amatures; the Titanic was built by professionals.

Ron K.
HAPPY EASTER HENSYLEE and all my other heart buddies on VR.com! SPRING? WHERE? I just went out for brunch and it's raining, snowing and sleeting! No convertibles with the top down out here! Hope you all have a Great Easter Sunday! Take care and God Bless!:)

Spring is definitely here! The robins are out, the squirrels are chasing each other, and the frogs are croaking in the pond. My perennials are starting to come up, and Joe was out raking with me today for two hours. First time in a long time.

It's a beautiful day here. :)
Happy Easter! Ah yes, spring. I found a crocus in bloom yesterday!!! Matter-o-fact it hit 50 here in northern Idaho!!! Has got me to dreaming of gardening... YES I can now see my LAWN!!!!

Take care all,