Happy Birthday to Bob Franklin and Bill Aldridge

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Happy Birthday to the both of you! Wish you'd stop in and update us.

May you have many more birthdays in the years to come. :)
To both of you, may you have a wonderful birthday -- and many more just as wonderful!

Bill - Kinda' miss your direct replies to some of my sorta' indirect questions, buddy!

Thanks to all you wonderful folks that have been bugging me to check back in. Ross and Bonnie have even tracked me down using the CIA and other underhanded approaches.

My real birthday, many will say, is September 12, 2002 when a good ole boy Cardiologist promised I was going to die soon without surgery and a fine young chest cutter dived in, stopped the heart and inserted this infernal tick, tick, tick valve. So 4th of July is just a celebration of my parent's fun and success.

All three of my sons are here and our two(count em, twin) grandsons are taking their parents for a first outing for Grandpa's birthday.

We are enjoying a wonderful tho rainy 4th of July here in soggy Florida, huh Ann?

All goes very well with the ticker and I still can not believe that I survived the surgery, and most likely would not have had it not been for so many wonderful people here, Bonnie, Ann, Al, Ron, Walter, Scottie, and many others that don't get listed. Ross was fighting his own life threatening battle but he contributed to the "FORCE" which works to pull us all up and over that mountain.

My plastic surgeon had to remove another squamous cell carcinoma from above my eye last week and graft skin so I would not end up looking like Mr. Spock from StarTrek. He complained about the asprin and warfarin therapy causing him problems treating me. See I refused to stop either, even though the Surgical Center told me I had to. Where do these people get their medical training? They don't seem to understand the nature of anti-coagulation therapy and think it is like antibotic or diet pills that you can just stop or start at will. What stupidity.

See, do you really want me back when I rant on so??

Anyway, thanks again for all the nice notes and wishes. sorry I have not been around much since the grandbabies started to need me back in March (even before they were born, I had to go help with mom on bed rest the last month or so of her pregnancy.

Hope all is well with all my friends, brothers, and sisters here at Vr.com. Have a great 4th.

Dang now I am the big six OH and sleeping with a grandmother--Now, I have always liked older women, but never visualized myself going to bed with a GRANNY. A real irony.

All my best to you,

See, do you really want me back when I rant on so??
Darn straight we do! I really miss you around here besides, we need someone to keep an eye on the Granbonny. Rumor has it that she gets into way too much trouble without you around. ;)

Glad to hear things are going well for the most part. Enjoy your day with the family and give them all a hug for me!
Happy Birthday to you!!!

Happy Birthday to you!!!

Happy Birthday Bill!! So nice to hear you are doing well! And a happy birthday to our wonderful Bob Franklin too!!!! Where the heck is that guy? Didn't he say he was going to Chicago? Maybe we should all send him a happy birthday PM! :p
Welcome back, Billy Bob

Welcome back, Billy Bob

Boy, have I missed you..Get tired of picking on Rosso..:p :p Have to behave, no dirty jokes, because he is Mr. Moderator now..and I know he will kick me off.:D :D :D :D Please post a picture of your new twin grandsons..And sleeping with a Granny. You don't know nothing yet.:D :D :D Bonnie
Problem with the Granny is that since the heart surgery she thinks friskyness will kill me.

the grandbabies can be seen at www.AldridgeTwins.homestead.com

if you are so inclined.

I do have some more recent photos to post but have not gotten around to it.

Thanks for the nice words Ross and all.

Gran baby boys

Gran baby boys

They look like Granpa Bill. Signed your guest book...So cute. Bonnie

Good to hear from you and glad to see that you are doing fine. Saw the twins and they look fantastic. You have every right to be a very proud grand-pa.

While my daughters are both married, no children yet. The oldest one is trying so we will see what happens.

All the best to you and your family.

Happy Birthday Bill!!!!!

I will not forget what you did for me when I was struggling with the surgery decision. You told it straight and I got the message! Thanks so much to you and all others on this site! I'm feeling great and glad to be alive!

Great pics of the grand twins!!!!



Happy Birthday to you two Guys......

Good to hear from you again Bill, when you didn't post for so long I was afraid Bonnie had said something to make you go away.

And to my good friend Bob......Hey Bob, where have you been - I enjoyed meeting you in Nashville and think about you often. Are you coming to Chicago? Hope to see you there!!