Happy Birthday Steve and John

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Happy Birthday Steve in Florida and John (My Hubby):D :D Hope you both have a nice day..We'll be bundled up for our outings where I bet Steve will be nice and toasty.:D Bonnie
Happy birthday, John - if you've got Bonnie you already have a great birthday present. Enjoy

And Steve, is it cold where you are? 30 here this morning - that's really cold for us. Frosty, too. Enjoy your birthday - and many more.
Haopy birthday to both of you guys.

I have to agree with Ann about John. That Bonnie is quite a prize.

Have a great weekend.

Ann, you have got to stop advertising the warm Florida temperatures. There are people up north that would think 30 is downright balmy for winter lows. Every thing is relative.

Thanks, everyone. What a treat, Bonnie, sharing my B'day with your hubby!

I haven't been on the site lately because I've been sick. Yes, the weather is great here in Florida, even when we get one of our handful of 'cold' days in the winter when it dips into the 30's overnight!:D :D :D Great place for all of us wuss's who get sick even when there's the slightest deviation from Paradise!

Great place to pamper new baby heart valves too! Not to mention, new baby grandkids!

Oh well, every once in a while I feel sorry for all you guys still toughing it out up North!
Those Canadians over there in Pensacola and down yonder in Gainesville love our balmy weather, even when it's 30. Maybe I will go to Sarasota til March.
Hi Hensylee,

I have a daughter going to college in Sarasota. We're going down there Wednesday to pick her up and bring her back for the T'day holiday. Maybe we should just stay down there. It's one of my favorite places in the whole world, a lot of which I've had the good fortune to see.

Thanks again everybody for all the B'day wishes. I'm still ticking away better than ever! I may have just turned 52, but my aortic valve is just one and a half!:D, but growing up quick!
Happy Birthday Guys! I hope you enjoy your day & the warm weather.
It's suppose to get down to about 5 tonight. Our high will hopefully be at least 30 tomorrow:rolleyes: ! I'm heading out East (that's how they refer to the Midwest out here:D ) for T-day, where it's suppose to be a bit warmer (Chicago area):cool:

I hope you all have a great Holiday!
Ever thought about sleeping, Ross

Ever thought about sleeping, Ross

And you would quit forgetting to wish people Happy Birthday..Don't think John could put up with me for a million years.:D :D Now, guess I'll be your Sleep Therapist:p Granbonny
Oh, Junebug - bless your heart - 5 degrees? Ouch - Couldn't go out on the porch barefooted in that kind of weather, could we? Think I will just stick with plans to go to Sarasota - :D