Happy Birthday Ron K

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I bet if Ros's computer wasn't ill he would make you a fancy greeting:D :D but Happy Birthday..The big 60:D :D Bonnie
Yeah, as I said in my PM to you earlier, Happy Birthday. All the best to you today and always.

I really only surfaced here because I stalk Bonnie and Ann, those two beautiful cheerleaders with so much compassion and ENERGY.


Thank you

Thank you

Thanks for the nice birthday wishes.

I had a good day and managed to make it through # 60 without too much trouble. I was not looking forward to being 60 years old already. (I feel about 45, even if I do look every bit of 60.):D

Last week we were up in Vermont visiting my son and daughter-in-law. His birthday is the week before mine, so we celebrated together. Unfortunately, his computer was down and I didn't get to check in and post at all.

I checked the board as soon as I got home. It was very nice to see that Ross was home and that everyone else was doing well, especially Scottie and Bill.

Well, now that 60 has come and gone, I don't have to fret again until 70. If that's the most I have to worry about, I'll be a really happy guy. Life is great, so let's all make the most out of the precious time that we have left and do something to make the world a little bit better, even if it's just being nice to each other and helping those in need in whatever way we can.

Thanks again for the warm wishes.

Ron K