Happy Birthday Paula in N.C.

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Thanks for all your well wishes!! I have had a GREAT day turning "30" !!!! :eek:
Just got married on sat. (Dec. 7) also. :D
Hope all of you have a great holiday season!
Hi Paula

Hi Paula

Congradulations on your marriage. Hope the Ice storm didn't ruin anything. My beautiful daughter, Adriane, also married 5 days before she turned 30..Said she wasn't going to be an old maid.:D My "Big Mama" told me when I was age 21 I was an old maid.:D Married at age 26..Bonnie
Hi! Yes, the wedding had ALOT of mishaps because of the ice. We had no power till last minute and decorated in the dark and cold. BUT...it was a great day! I did plan on the date that way so I would be married by 30. :rolleyes: have a great day!
Congratulations Paula! I just turned 42 yesterday and my 25th wedding anniversary is Monday. Im also from NC. Im from Greenville. Where are you from? Im originaly from Bristol,Connecticut but Ive been in Greenville for 28 years. :)
Happy everything, Paula - all in one week. That is just wonderful and waiting til 30 is wise these days. Wish you the best on your birthday and in your marriage. God bless:)