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Ahhh, thank you! You all are so sweet! My B-day is moving along just fine.

Went for a check-up w/my cardiologist yesterday & he went over the reports and letters from the drs in Houston. He said he concurred with their judgement to continue watching me and taking it one day at a time. He suggested I start walking more and more, and set bench marks and monitor how much or how little I do on a daily basis.
He also suggested "golf" which was weird because my husband and I had been thinking of taking up golf....it would do both of us good! :)

So this morning I've been surfing the internet for used golf club sets and hopefully we can embark on another activitiy, other than the archery which I cannot do anymore. :frown2:

Thanks again everyone! Love ya all! :)
Buy yourself a golf cart and get it totally pimped out.....ha ha ha

There you go ....you wrecked the suprise ....
........now what to get