Happy Birthday Michelle!

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VR.com Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
I would like to take this opportunity to tell my wife Michelle Happy Birthday.

Without her love and patience, I would not be here today. She was there for me through my surgery, recovery and general bad behaviors.

She is the driving force behind me and this site. Without her love and support, this site would not exist and we would not know eachother like we do.

Thank you Michelle for your love,

Forever Yours,

Happy Birthday Michelle-

You have a wonderful loving husband, so that means that you're a very loving person yourself.

You're kind of quiet about it, but I bet you do a lot of work for this site also.

Thanks, it really helps lots of people.
happy birthday, michelle!
wishing you a happy and healthy one and many more to come.
hank, that was so sweet and loving. sounds like you two are very lucky to have each other. and we are very lucky to have you.
thanks again for all you do.
be well, sylvia
Hey Michelle....

Hey Michelle....

Happy birthday Michelle from Ireland...........

Still working on Vegas, dunno whether it will happen or not, but I'll give it my best shot.
Wow, thanks guys

Wow, thanks guys

My sweet husband had to tell me to check out the forum and see my birthday messages... I havn't checked in here since school started :rolleyes: ( remember we homeschool ) It has been busy busy busy.
Thank you all for your b-day wishes and kind words ( especially Hank ) I am very much looking forward to Vegas and see all of those who can make it!! Have a wonderful day!