Happy Birthday John Cochran!!!!!!

  • Thread starter Mike in Florida
  • Start date
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Mike in Florida

Hey John!
Hope you had a great Birthday! I know it's got
to be tough waiting on your surgery, but I know
you can hang in there. Best of health to ya!

Mike in Florida

AVR/MVR St. Judes mechs.
By Tomas Martin at Shands at U. F.
Chronic a-fib
Thanks Mike!
That was very nice of you (even though getting older stinks!). Yup, still waiting for the right size valve to become available, which makes for some fairly odd days.

Best to you,
Happy Birthday John!!!! I hope you're putting the worries aside for the day and celebrating!! Lots of laughter keeps you young. Put worry aside and ENJOY!

Happy Birthday John!

Happy Birthday John!

Hope you have a great day!

Hi John,

Just another Happy Birthday wish to you! Hope the right size valve is on your list of B-day wishes!



I hope that you hear news soon about the right size valve you need. Hope you have a great B-day and Manny Manny Manny More!
Happy birthday, Johnny. I hope you get some good news real soon about the valve you are waiting for. I know you must be anxious and thinking about it frequently.

You'll do fine once they line everything up and we'll all be here pulling for you.

Ron K
Happy Birthday, John.

Hey, don't complain. If I'd a known you were about to have your birthday, I would have asked: Why the heck would you have wanted to be recovering from VR during your birthday? Take it as a blessing that your surgery has been delayed and you could celebrate your last birthday on this side of the mountain with 'whole heart' (no pun intended -- NOT).

Of course, that Mara gal, she had her surgery right before her wedding. Go figure! Seems like it turned out great for her on all counts, though. Who'd a thunk?!

God bless and keep us posted. You are not waiting alone.