Happy Birthday Jessica!

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hi Jessica! Happy birthday! It wasn't long ago that I was reading your post before your transplant and was worried about you. I hope you are doing well, hope you have a very wonderful, happy birthday!

It's weird how when we are young, we never think of health problems, especially not heart disease. It just goes to show us how precious life truly is...

Happy Birthday Jessica!
Thanks! English Trifle for all!!!

Thanks! English Trifle for all!!!

It is true you develop a special appreciation for life when you can no longer take it for granted!
Last year everyone thought it was the last birthday I would ever have so this year undoubtedly feels luxurious. I have told everyone that no gifts are required because I have already received the greatest gift available :D!

Thanks again,

Dear Jessica,

Dear Jessica,

May you enjoy many more!

:D lycklig födelsedag :D

Yours truly,
Last edited:
Dear Jess - I know that you are specially proud of this birthday and new life. We are, too, for you. Seems only a little while ago that you went through the transplant. I am happy to know you and want to wish you the happiest of birthdays. Keep healthy and enjoy every day, as we all do. Love Ann (Hensylee)
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Jessica..I see you are from Sweden. So were my in-laws. They came from the Island of Oland..For many years we had the Christmas Smorgasbordet...Theylived in Georgia with us for about 20 years. Sadly they passed away a few years ago..But the little village I live in is Bavarian and we have a Norwegian store where I still buy the Swedish Farmer's cheese and other goodies. E-mail me sometimes and we'll chat. Happy Birthday today. Bonnie