Happy Birthday Jennie

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Hey Jennie Lady

Happy Birthday and I hope you have many more in the years to come. Behave yourself, since you know I can't behave myself. :D
Happy Birthday Jennie

Ross and I got up early to wish you the best of days:) :) :) :) Bonnie
And Hensylee comes after them draggin up the rear. I am always right behind those two (checking up on them) and they did good today. Happy birthday, Jennie - and do something good for yourself and enjoy. Many happy returns. Ann:D


Hey you guys,

THANKS for the HB wishes!! Very sweet of you!! Today, for the very first time, I took off from work on my birthday. YEA!!! I mean, it's MONDAY, too - truly they can't expect me to show up! I slept in (as you can tell), and I am just going to putter and relax and not worry about anything! This year was a rough year (for some of you, too), so I am celebrating that it's all over. A year ago tomorrow was when I was told that I definitely needed surgery ASAP, so I didn't celebrate at all last year, and I need to make up for that! :p

So everyone, go out and get a big slice of chocolate mocha cake, and celebrate with me!!

hi Jen,

wishing you a happy birthday and as far as taking a day off, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
I also want to thank you for that last sentence, because I need arm-twisting when it comes to sweets.:D


Jennie..We'll still waiting to hear what RAM stands for..He cannot have the cake until he tells us.:D Bonnie
Happy Birthday, Jennie (and Hi, to everyone else!)

Happy Birthday, Jennie (and Hi, to everyone else!)

What a treat to find the day I finally log back on after a few months break, turns out to be Jennie's birthday.

I hope it's an incredibly good one for you. You deserve it and you definitely deserve to take the day off. What the heck, take 2!

Seriously, Jennie, you were so much help to me a few months ago when I logged onto this site and 5 months ago when I was having my surgery, if I weren't broke from being out of work for 3 months, I'd send you a fabulous present. If it weren't for you I may never have ended up at Mayo with Dr. Zehr and things might not have gone nearly as smoothly for me as they have. Thanks for being you and many happy returns on your special day!

Everyone else: Hey there! I followed Ross's return with great relief and happiness and then without really making a conscious decision about it took some time off as I got back to trying to get my practice back up and running and as always, before I knew it months had gone by. I'll post an update soon and I'll still be following everyone's progress. Day after tomorrow is already 5 months for me since surgery and all is very well for me.

Love ya,
Hey Gail and Ram! Thanks for the HBs! Ram: Do I get to know what "Ram" means, since I'm the Birthday Girl??!! ;) I promise I won't tell! I figured it's either Random Access Memory (i.e. Flaky Brain, a.k.a. PumpHead) or Big Male Sheep. I hope it's not either of those!

JJ: Hiya!! Thanks for the special HB wishes! How wonderful to hear from you today! No news is good news, huh? I'm glad you're back to your practice and "normal life"! I was wondering how you and the rest of the SG crew are doing. Five months! Next week I will be eight months - seems like a dream. Glad to have it behind me, as I'm sure you are too. I'm looking forward to reading your update....

O.K. Jen, you win

I am an android and I have a defective valve. It will have to be replaced with another mechanical valve. You cannot sew to metal/plastic/fiberglass-like tissue. Since you seem to understand "random access memory" you must realize that removal of power source means loss of all data. when they pull my power source or turn off the switch, whatever they decide to do, I will have no memory of anything in the past. So when this happens I may have to wish you a fond adieu!

with hopes of remembering all of you---the RAM:cool:
I'll never tell

I'll never tell

Don't let Ram "b.s." yall:D Not nice coming from a Southern Lady:p but I know, I know, his REAL NAME...and I'll never tell:p :p Bonnie Blue Butler (Gone with the Wind)
An ANDROID!! HAHAHAHAHA!! I got a good laugh out of that!! Ah, Red, you are funny. Power source, good grief! Never fear. Do not forget that we come equipped with batteries to hold that BIOS in place. Once the bootstrap fires up, it is sure to kick off your main drive. If you still don't remember us, we will be mercilessly IN YOUR FACE until you pretend you do!! So when is the Big Day?? (I don't see it on the calendar)

(thanks for the tip there, Bonnie!)
I love it when you talk dirty like that LOL!!! And happy belated birthday!

Now, as far as Ram's concern about the power going down, we simply need to plug in some PROM modules with a small real-time program to monitor the power supply; once power-up is detected, we'll execute the BIOS and boot up any essential operating system utilities, and fully restore RAM. The only real question, Ram, is "where do you want us to plug in those PROM modules?" :D

I have to make an effort to catch up with my fellow SynerGrafters, so JJGO and Jennie, you'll be hearing from me!

Happy Birthday Jennie!!!!

Happy Birthday Jennie!!!!

Ah, yes, the days of burning 128 bytes (yes, bytes, not KB or MB) of machine code onto PROMs...makes me long for the old college days! RAM, don't let these folks PUSH you around until you POP! You'll likely wind up with segmented memory from which recovery of your data will require multiple fetches.

Seriously, I used to work with a person named Ram. Funny though, he pronounced it "Rom." Really. :D
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OK you guys!! THIS is exactly what I wanted to avoid by skipping work on my birthday! All this techie talk, ACK....!! I can't get away from it! (Truly, I think I am in the wrong profession, but this is another subject.) But, for Ram, maybe we should forget the PROMs and just download to him? We could give him a total mental makeover!!

Looking forward to catching up, John!

Happy birthday, Jennie

Happy birthday, Jennie

What a wonderful excuse to go find a "big slice of chocolate mocha cake" :)

Happy Birthday, Jennie.

Thanks Rain!

I hope you found yourself an extra big slice!

I have been meaning to email you regarding Mayo Clinic - in their last newletter, they had a big writeup of their new "Marfan Clinic" (team of docs):


Maybe something to look into for your son?

Thanks again for the HB!!! :)
