Happy Birthday, Jan

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Thought sure I posted to you for your birthday, but can't find it! So will do it again.

Happy birthday today. Hope you are doing something special - and that your recovery is progressing well.

I know I posted this already! Pumphead me lost it, I guess. LOL:D :D
Happy belated birthday Jan!!! As a fellow pumphead (I usually blame my memory on my meds.... part of being a "Junkie"! hee hee) I can only say in my defense that I am a former blonde!!! lol

Take care,
My Birthday

My Birthday

Hi Hensylee and Zazzy
Thank you for the birthday wishes

I spent a quiet day with the family

Bill ( my husband ) cooked us both a nice Italian Supper

Three weeks ago I thought I had nothing to look forward too
I was waiting for Surgery

I now thank God every day for my blessings
This has truly been a special birthday

I feel so content and happy

Keep Smiling

Happy Belated Birthday Jan.

Sounds like you had a nice cozy dinner. I'm glad your feeling very content. Having the surgery over is a big relief! :) I wish you manny manny more Happy Birthdays!Take care!