Happy Birthday Hugo..hhardt

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Happy Birthday Hugo..Hope you had a nice day. Glad to see someone a tad older than me..:D Noticed you posted today on giving some after surgery care to Travler..on Presurgery.. Thanks for taking an active part on this forum..Happy Birthday again...:D :D :D Bonnie
Let me add my HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to you also, and thanks for your posts to me. It has been a great helpl

Now these two cute girls are going to think I am stalking them posting after them as I often do. But, Ann is nearly a neighbor and Bonnie is the head cheerleader. I can not thank them enough for their contribution to my successful surgery, recovery and mental balance.

Many more to you sir!!!

Hi Hugo, Just wanted to add my wishes to a very Happy and Healthy Birthday with many more to come! Hope you have a great day! Enjoy life!
Getting Old

Getting Old

Thanks to all.

My grand daughter, sitting on my lap and looking at the age lines on my face, asked how old I was.
My answer was "older than dirt"

After stroaking my face a little, she asked -

"Do you get muddy when it rains?"


did not realize you are from Alabama. Born and raised in Selma..best thing in Selma is highway 80 leaving towarded Atlanta:D Dady still lives there at age 88 and adores it..Hottest place on the planet....Bonnie Huntsville is nice