Happy Birthday.Bill and Terry

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Hope you both have a super day..:) :) :) Ross will be along shortly with balloons..after he wakes up..:p :p :p :p Happy Birthday Bonnie
From one NJerseyan to another, Happy Birthday Terry.
Hope this finds you well and have a great day.
Bill, have a super day also.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Bonnie, Ross and Al. By the way, I am also from NJ, just living here in Va.
Thanks All

Thanks All

I forgot I posted my birth date here, What a surprise!!!

Inventory/Al and Bill Hall thanks, I'll have to erase my birth year, I feel old enough with this zipper scar. I hope everyting is going well with the 2 of you??

Granbonny/Bonnie and RossY thanks for the wonderful surprise, I didn't forget about posting my picture, hubby got a digital camera for father's day, but we are still figuring it out. So get that mail order form for a medical alert bracelet/necklace ready.

I have a really big wish for this birthday, and soon I'll be asking for prayers.

Thanks again,

Happy Birthday Bill

Happy Birthday Bill

My birthday usually got celebrated on the 4th, 'cause that's when my family would gather for a picnic/barbacue.

Who needed candles when you have all those fireworks for the celebration!!!

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to You-u-u-use

Happy Birthday to You-u-u-use

A day late and a dollar short. Didn't have a chance to get online yesterday. Hope you both had a good day yesterday.