Happy Anniverary, Ross

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
On your being a member of VR.com for 1 year.:D :D You have 1,004 posts...they have been an inspiration to many of us..You are a good friend:D :D Keep up the good work:D Bonnie

Happy Anniversary.

Ross, in my view, has been a true lighthouse and inspiration for all of us. While he has probably gone through more heart related issues and other obstacles in his life than most of us ever will, he has always remained very positive in his outlook on life and very compassionate and understanding of our own personal situations.

It seems to me that when one of us is feeling down or apprehensive about something that is happening to us, all we have to do is log on to the site, start a thread and voila Ross is right there with a positive response that educates us, points us to a site or someone with a similar situation or just makes us laugh with one of his bizarre avatars.

Thanks to Ross for his genuine concern about us and for all he has done to help the rest of us get through a very serious event in our lives.

Happy and safe holidays.

Congratulations To All Of You!

Congratulations To All Of You!

Congratulations to all of you for putting up with me for a whole year and 1005 posts. To celebrate this occasion, you have to put up with this avatar for today.

It sure doesn't seem like it's been a whole year. :D

I want to thank all of you who responded to my very first post. When I saw and read the responses, I knew I was home. We heart people know how the other feels in most circumstances, and that's something that a non-heart patient cannot realize, which is unfortunate for us.

For those curious minds-My first post here:
Yo Rosso!

Congrats on your anniversary here!! I bet it's nice to be on this side of things, rather than in the position you were in when you first joined up with us...??!! So do the rest of us get purple hearts (AH HA HA!!) for putting up with you for this long??!! ;) Of course you know I am just kidding you! (This is my mission in life!) What I would have done without your smiling face bugging me, I can't even imagine. You have dragged me up from the depths more than once, that's for sure.



Ross, please allow me to echo everything that has already been said. You've been there for us...whether you're greeting newcomers, offering a compassionate shoulder, or offering advice and experience, we're lucky to have you among us.

I'm looking forward to the next 1000 posts!
Has it really been a year. Wow. It hardly seems like it.

Too cool.
Well, dang - this morning I answered this thread and said some neat stuff, but where is it? Must not have pushed the right button and sent it off into cyberspace never to find it again. So will just say - happy I have the pleasure of your company, Ross.:D
After reading Ross's first post

After reading Ross's first post

I would like to say a big thank you to these people..Gina, Nancy, Perry, Bill Hall, Kevin, Hensylee, Robthatsme, MaryBeth, Jean, Caroline, Joann and John and Scottie. They all answered his post and are still here today...helping with us newbies.:) :) Thanks a million:D :D Bonnie
Thank You everyone! It has been my pleasure. I love to see people smile in the face of the stress that we've all gone through and those that are going through it or going to go through it.

It didn't look like I was going to be here after my AVR in July, but God isn't done with me yet. I think his play book is a little messed up, but that's fine with me. :D

Now, lets see if this next year brings good news and more smiles!
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That's just about the same thing I said to you in the post that got lost, Ross. I said I went back and read all the first post and the answers - and that we nearly lost you a couple times, etc. etc. Tks for stickin around. Wouldn't be the same if you left us. Love Ann:)
Happy Anniversary to a super terrific guy, who's been through some terrible thing this past year.

You've fought the good fight and have kept your sense of humor throughout.

It's a wonderful thing that we all have this place to come. Where else would we be among friends who have such a profound common ground.

You've helped so many of us. I hope next year is a better one for you and for all of us.
To my "main man" in the YaYa Brotherhood,

Ross, there is a life lesson for all of us that has been your gift, and that is that a strong spirit and good humor always trump physical challenges. Your unwaivering kindness and support to those needing it provide a solid foundation for this forum. You may be our "resident nut" but you are also the trusted voice that calms and advises. We love you, man!

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Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

Hi Ross!
You a truely an amazing person. You have been through so much, yet you are still there for so many who are having difficult times. You give us all great support and you make us laugh when we really need it. You have helped so many people. You are truely an inspiration. Pardon the pun, but you are truely a "good hearted" person. I have never met so many "good hearted" people in one place like I have here at VR.com.

Take Care!

congratulations on this milestone. I'm glad to have come in contact with you. I don't think God is through with his plans for you, yet. there are so many of us and only one you.:D

I too would like to wish you a "HEART FELT" Congratulations on a year at VR.com! I didn't get to respond to that first post, but I've been following the threads and inputting when I could.

You have been such an inspiration to us all! You are right! God isn't done with you yet. Last July proved that! We were all on pins and needles about you at that time.

I'm glad you are still with us, and I feel you will be for a very very very long time! We are definitely survivors!

Your statement"We heart people know how the other feels in most circumstances, and that's something that a non-heart patient cannot realize, which is unfortunate for us." is very true!
That is why I'm so glad we have each other, because we trulu understand! You, my friend with all you have contributed, along with many others, truly have "A HEART OF GOLD!

God Bless and Merry Christmas!
Ross--one year???

Ross--one year???

Thanks for all your imput and help during this past year. The sharing of your knowledge and experience is what this board is all about. Thanks:D and happy anniversary!