Hank's "ride"

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Just had a moment to take a peak at the reunion pics. Boy, did we miss a good time or what?!

Hank, you fared well on the coaster I see. Any other clickers join in?

I went on a few non turners a month or so back. 2 days later I had a bad headache. Still wondering if that was related? Too much brain floating I suppose, :D. For inquiring minds, I was sober;)
Still secure!

Still secure!

besides the fact that for a few seconds I thought I was surely dead, all is well. The valve stayed sewn in where it should as I surely would have known by now if it hadn't.

Nobody else joined me. Greg was too scared - Rain had excuses, andeveryone else just flat chickened out. The roller coaster at the top of the stratosphere was nothing compared to the "Big Shot" which about scared the %&$# out of me.

I am glad you had a good time Hank. As you deserve to. It's almost like putting candy in front of a kid:D.

My new cardioligist, of whom I highly respect BTW. Feels the same way. All in moderation. He said if I feel in control, to go ahead and ski this winter. Nothing rough mind you. I told him it's the actions of others you can't control. Which he was in agreeance. I do have a helmut and plan to use it. He did add if you break a bone that's a real problem on the Coumadin.

Just so you all don't think my cardioligist is a crackpot.... he was named American Heart Association (AHA) Physician of the Year for the United States in 1997. He must know something we don't. ;)