Handicapped Parking

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Handicapped Parking

  • I have a handicapped permit and I feel I physically need it.

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • I have a handicapped permit but could probably get by without one.

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • I don't have a permit because my doctor won't sign for one.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I feel I deserve a permit because of my heart problems.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My doctor would sign for a permit but I don't think I need one.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am not handicapped.

    Votes: 25 71.4%

  • Total voters
I agree for a few looks can be decieving but my brother has one and we can't figure out why he has it or how he got it. I feel particularly bad for people who need them in England. When we lived there everyone parked in the spaces and said they didn't care because nothing would happen to them.
I agree with you George.....

I agree with you George.....

George said:
I've had my permanent plate for about 10 years. I sure wish I didn't qualify for it:( Good fixed heart, but weak legs & back...sigh

I wish that I didn't have one either.....and because of my age (39) I get alot of looks from people thinking that because I am only 39 that I don't need one......Tell that to my hips and legs.....I have had mine for about 3 years now, and let me tell you, it's a life saver when you have to find a parking spot in that HUGE Walmart parking lot or wherever one goes...It's also really embarassing when people look at me when I am using one of the store carts and again, they give me the disapproving look....I am with you on this one.....If I didn't have to use it....I WOULDN'T....:eek: :mad: :) :mad: :eek: :D
All I want to know is, why is the pharmacy at the very back of the drug store and why is Milk at the very back of the grocery store? :confused:
I have one

I have one

due to claudication of my legs, I cant make it through a parking lot ,then shop and back out w/o so much pain,I couldnt focus on what I was purchasing, would leave w/o buying what I needed..it was BAD!!I use handicapped and wheelchairs now, so I may shop, really shop..:eek:
I've seen it, too

I've seen it, too

Ross said:
What aggravates me to no end is the people that do have them and do not need them. I'm taking about Mr. 2006 Cadilliac that just hops out of his car and practically runs to the carts and continues to mow people over in the store. I watch this stuff everywhere I go and I have to say that from my observations, only about 15%-20% of those issued are legitimate.
I suspect what you may be seeing is someone who is related to a disabled person, or drives the vehicle for them. They assume that since it displays a disabled placard or plate, it's ok for them to park in a disabled spot. This of course is only legal if the disabled person is being transported. In my state, we are issued a wallet ID card with our name, & the number matching the plate or placard. If a cop suspects you're not entitled to disabled parking, & you don't have your wallet card .....you're busted. I admit I've never seen that happen, though. I have seen parked vehicles being checked for disabled ID, & actually told the cop I appreciated it! I'm familiar with the type of thing you describe, Ross, & it really bugs me. Especially when they take the last spot, & I end up walking a long ways.:mad: For me, "Getting Lucky" is finding a good parking space at Walmart. ;)
George said:
I suspect what you may be seeing is someone who is related to a disabled person, or drives the vehicle for them. They assume that since it displays a disabled placard or plate, it's ok for them to park in a disabled spot. This of course is only legal if the disabled person is in the car with them. In my state, we are issued a wallet ID card with our name, & the number matching the plate or placard. If a cop suspects you're not entitled to disabled parking, & you don't have your wallet card .....you're busted. I have seen the type of thing you describe, Ross, & it really bugs me. Especially when they take the last spot, & I end up walking a long ways.:mad: For me, "Getting Lucky" is finding a good parking space at Walmart. ;)
Around my area, I think these Doctors simply fill them out due to age. If your over 60, your handicapped. It bugs me because the wheelchair vans, people on Oxygen, and those with definite mobility disability are forced to park in spots a good distance away from the door even though they are handicapped parking spots also. But I'll be darned if the people parking by the door don't spring out their cars and some have literally run into the store and then shop like "Get outta my way, I'm in a hurry". I see absolutely nothing wrong with them and they certainly do not fit my states definitions of disabled. Just yesterday, Store is crowded as is for the holiday. Here comes a wheelchair van trying to wait for pedestrians to cross and get a spot by the door. There is only one spot. Hey, I can walk, no big deal, I'll take one further away, but what happens. In shoots this lady into the spot by the door, seeing that the van has his signal on forcing him to go elsewhere, hops out of her car, and I kid you not, ran into the store. So many times I wish I were a certified ticketing peace officer. I could fill a ticket book in day around here easily.
RobHol said:
Maybe you need to live in a sleepy area of the South, where there are more handicapped spaces than people. :D

Ok, there you go Ross. ;)
We're packing you and Lynn up and sending you to Bob!:p :p :p
posted by Ross: So many times I wish I were a certified ticketing peace officer. I could fill a ticket book in day around here easily.

At our parking lots, the police DO ticket people. I have seen them.
I voted "I have a handicapped permit but could probably get by without one." Which is half true. Most days I can park in regular spots and be fine. But there are occasions when I can't. Especially when it's cold.

I've had mine since I was a kid. And back then I REALLY couldn't walk much without getting out of breath. Heck, I was 12 and my mom had to get a stroller for me! But if I recall correctly, the doctor signed off for it because of my asthma, not my heart. I don't have a lot of trouble with my asthma anymore. But I try to only use my hang tag when I need it (or when there are PLENTY of handicap spaces still available). I continue to renew it because I know there will come a day when I'll need it all the time again (unfortunately). I don't want to have to go through the rigamarol to get a new one when that day arrives.
Seven or eight years ago, when I was first diagnosed with Moderate to Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis, my Rheumatologist asked me if I wanted Disabled Parking Permit. I told him that unless I was confined to a wheelchair I would decline his offer. Now, with the OHS, the question has come up again and the answer has remained the same. Beside, a "Handicapped" plate would look ridiculous on my motorcycle. I will continue to park as far away from wherever I am going and make the walk. It's my little way of sticking it to the so-called disabilities that I have.
My 'badge' is the same as the UK ones, a 'blue badge', it has my photograph on the back so can be checked to ensure that it is mine. As I said, I almost never use it, just when my legs are really painful.

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