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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Alright, I feel like I'm falling apart today. I have a head cold (stuffy head, sneezing, a little bit of a cough) that started on Sunday. I feel pretty much like a slug, but continue to go to work anyway, because I can't afford to use my sick days...

So here is my question/situation. This morning I was brushing my teeth and my top gums (right in between my front two teeth) hurt when I brushed past them. So I took a look in the mirror. It looks as if I have a bruise on my gum! Seriously. It is purple-ish in color and a little swollen. I can see no evidence of anything stuck in my gum, and cannot fiigure out why in the world it would look like this. Could it be a bruise on the gum??? Or should I go and have it checked out by a dentist? It doesn't bother me unless I think about it (which means I probably end up rubbing my tongue on it) or when I brush my teeth. What do you think? Anyone else ever have this experience? I have very healthy teeth, and don't even have any fillings in my mouth (had one cavity when I was a kid, but that tooth fell out). I just don't understand...

Thanks in advance.

Also, has anyone else experienced more skin problems since their AVR (or starting coumadin)? I have been getting WAY more breakouts, it seems, since starting the coumadin. And they stick around a lot longer, too. I'm too old to get this many zits!

Thanks again!
Maybe you ate or chewed on something that caused it.
Probably should get it checked out to make sure there is no infection and also put your mind to rest.
I've been on Coumadin for almost six and a half years and yes I do get my share of zits.
I think the difference is however that mine come from old age.
You are still young enough that they are left overs from your teens.
Seriously my youngest daughter had some problems like that and the dermatologist put her on some kind of birth control pills,not for birth control but to get rid of the zits.....and It worked great.

I can't believe it. This site is just great. My husband has recently (over the weekend) had some problems with his gums. Yesterday I found an article where the researchers have found a link between gum disease and irregular heart rythms, which requires further study. My husband has never had problems like this before, but he is fastidious, like I am sure all heart patients are, with his dental hygene. In addition, he has one area in his mouth that needs some attention, plus a temporary filling installed prior to his surgery last year. He spoke with his cardiologist yesterday morning, and he wants him put on IV antibiotics prior to the procedure being done, and then oral antibiotics. Of course my husband seems to have serious reactions/results of anything he has had done over the past year.

I cannot locate the article, and cannot remember where I found it. (old age) But, I am sure someone else on this site should be able to locate it. I wonder how many heart disease patients have gum problems, and it never got related to their heart irregularities? Interesting. - Marybeth
Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums

My gums started bleeding 3 months post op..Several weeks ago I had deep cleaning on left side of mouth..I have an appointment tomorrow for the right side. But expecting a bad ice storm tonight. Only take the 4 amox's 1 hr. before appt..Coumadin has a big role in bleeding gums at my age.:mad: Bonnie


niki, i noticed i have a tiny 'purple'ish' 'bruise' on my gums above a tooth i had a crown put on last year (before AVR) i noticed it after my first cleaning since being on coumadin.. i go every 4 months so i just had my 2nd check up and they didn't say anything about it. i do need some work around that area (tooth behind it) it doesn't bleed except when i floss there..

oh, i went for the first time to the coumadin clinic at medical center of plano (coit and 15th) they finger stick and manage the dosing right there.. so far so good.. got tired of blood draw and then having to wait for results.. you go by appt, but you s/b in and out w/in 10-15 minutes

christine :)
Gum disease linked to heart disease

Gum disease linked to heart disease

I could not find the exact article you mentioned. I remember seeing a similar article recently. Perhaps the following might help. They have other links in them. The first one is titled "New Study Confirms Periodontal Disease Linked to Heart Disease," and has a 2002 date. The second is an older one that seems to say something similar.

The important thing to remember is that everyone who has a replacement valve or mitral valve prolapse MUST be properly medicated before dental work and any other medical procedure that involves exposure to bacteria. In l990, when Al has his valve replaced, the protocol was a large dose of a antibiotics given IV.
For years he had to go to the local outpatient dept for medication each time he saw the dentist. Now, his doctor does the IV in his office. Since l990, the protocol has changed to lower doses of antibiotics given orally. Al was taking oral anticiotics for dental work in Dec l989. After some extensive periodontal work, although he was medicated, he developed bacterial endocarditis. It was not properly diagnosed until March 7,2002, when he was hospitalized and treated. That's what made his valve replacement necessary.

Hope you find the information you were looking for.