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How awful for you! I go with Eloise and Granbonny!!! two very good thoughts! Good luck when you have to see her again.
Uh excuse me ma'am.....

Uh excuse me ma'am.....

Marsha -- next time you see her just swivel up to her and ask her, "How's your diet going honey?" :D

Conga-rats on the weight loss....kudos to you girlfriend!
I have two responses for ya:

If it was a friend or family member or at least someone that I knew and respected on some level above what I would give generally to a fellow human being I would have taken them aside (as best as I could or possibly later in the evening when we could be more private) and explain simply what I had been through, what my condition was, and that I pay close attention to what I eat, how much I eat, and that I'm very well thankyouverymuch for your consideration...

If this was someone whom I did not know very well or (worse yet) cared little about, I would have hammered them right then and there and let everyone else see me put them in their place.

I'm brutal too:

"Two years ago I nearly DIED about half a dozen times over because my tricuspid valve disintegrated. I've never smoked in my life, I rarely drank and when I did it was never more than two bottles of beer in a NIGHT. I don't do drugs, I don't abuse my body. I eat well, I exercise, and I'm probably in the best shape I could be in for someone with the heart condition I have and I STILL nearly died and GUESS WHAT? I still watch what I put into my body, I watch it now more than I ever did in the past. I count the sodium I put into my body every day. I only allow myself about 1,000mg a day, the USDA recommendation is 2,000 and most people consume over 4,000mg. Can YOU do that? I limit how much fluid I drink too.
I'm having some fried shrimp (or whatever "sin" food you might be enjoying) here because they're good and I can treat myself once in a while and if you have a problem with that, you need to come to me AFTER you've been through the s*%t I've been through before you can tell me I'm wrong."

Or something along those lines.

Heaven help them if they smoke or have been enjoying an alcoholic beverage during the evening.... :cool:

For the record, I LOVE shrimp, I can't get enough of it and I lucked out a while ago finding some VERY low sodium frozen shrimp that's almost always in a freezer bin at the local grocery store at two for one specials. I do a MEAN asian style shrimp stir-fry that's low sodium and low fat and very delicious thanks to a few home made ingredients like a low sodium soy sauce substitute that can be modified for teriaki (did I spell that right?) sauce.

Wonder if one can make a homemade, low sodium, cocktail sauce.....
Hey Marsha -- Continue Enjoying The Shrimp

Hey Marsha -- Continue Enjoying The Shrimp

When you visit MO, it's mandatory that you enjoy yourself and eat fried shrimp even if you have had OHS. That's in accordance with MO Statute #28357-4A. You'll have to quote the laws to your friend there.

Like you, I too had a valve replaced, but that wasn't caused by blockages which were caused by eating fried foods. We just had one of those problems that had to be corrected. Our eating habits didn't cause the valve problem. Point that fact out to your friend. Now, if you had a blockage, then that would be a different story and, of course, you then would have to lay off the fried foods and change your eating habits. Until then, enjoy that fried shrimp. I had some tonight and it is good eating.

Just let your friend know the difference in the two types of OHS and that your type wasn't caused by poor eating habits.

Good luck, be brave, be bold, and the truth shall always prevail.

Harpoon's post reminded me that when we tell people that Joe has had three valve surgeries and two lung surgeries, the first thing out of some people's mouths is, "were you a smoker?"

Joe has never smoked in his life.

So when we tell them that, they have no where to go, and sort of shrug their shoulders and back away. This has happened many times, and even with medical professionals.

People THINK they know all about heart disease, but MOST do not, especially when it comes to some of the rarified aspects of the problem.

My male persona agrees with Bryan. "Shut up and pass the hush puppies". You might add...... "anybody want dessert? I hear the cheesecake is good" :D

35 pounds? Impressive. Keep up the good work.

Illegitimas non carborundum...........Don't let the dirty bastards grind you down.