
Valve Replacement Forums

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I have been viewing this site since October last year when I logged in and I have to say you are such wonderful people, you give support to everyone.
I face surgery to replace my aortic valve sometime in the future - mild to moderate in two years - but from the individual forums I have discovered much more than the Doctors told me. I was told by them that it would be a mechanical valve and from you I have learnt about other options.
Sometimes I have a cry when I read of individuals situations and then I read some wonderful positive posting in reply and feel the warmth of you all.
Needless to say I am terrified of the future, and, like others I have read of, think about my future surgery a lot but checking in each night has helped me sleep more easily.

Thank you all hopefully now I will feel more confident about posting. It has taken me long enough!!!!!
Welcome Gillian! You have joined a very supportive group indeed! I had surgery to repair my mitral valve one year ago. I am lucky... though the valve was very bad, my surgeon was able to repair, instead of replace it.

When do they plan to do your surgery? Please keep us informed.

Take care,
Well, hello there Gillian. You have chosen some really good shoes to walk in - we had another Gillian from UK but she hasn't been in for a while and we are concerned for her and now we have another Gillian. But anyway, you are so welcome to this site. Have been a member since Apr 2000 and found such warmth here that is unparalelled in the 'heart' areas. You are about to receive many welcomes from members, so get ready to sit awhile and enjoy. So happy to have you with us. God bless
Hi Courtney (Gillian)-

This is a terrific site, but you already know that. So, what took you so long to introduce yourself??

We're so glad you did and we'll be here every step of the way as you head toward a possible surgery date.

We're all anxious to answer questions, because we've all been in a similar position as you find yourself in, either personally or in the role of the "significant other". And many will share their hands on experiences with you. So ask away, share your feelings, you're among friends.


Hi Courtney,

Welcome to the club. I've only been here a few weeks myself, but I've felt some nice support from some extremely nice people. I guess the common bond of coronary ailments is something strong enough to bring many people of diverse backgrounds and ages together. Everyone here has had some kind of heart surgery or is waiting to have it done, or else they are significant others of someone who has had the aurgery.

When my faulty bicuspid valve and aortic stenosis, and the leaky mitral value were diagnosed about 4 years ago, the cardiologist said we'd monitor it every six months with echocardiograms, and he'd let me know when it was time to consider surgery to correct the problem. (I felt great the whole time -- no symptoms at all that I noticed.) The cardiologist said it might need to be fixed in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years or more, but there was no way of telling how my heart condition whould progress. Every case is different in this respect.

Well, the echo last September and the follow up TEE (trans-esophageal echocardiogram) showed that if I waited too much longer, there was a good possability that the heart muscle would be damaged, so I had to decide when to have the surgery scheduled.

I met with the surgeon at Univ. of Pennsylvania a little before Christmas and decided to have the surgery scheduled for the end of February. I go in next Monday for a catherization and then the surgery will be done on the 26th. Hopefully, it will be a mitral valve repair and an aortic valve replacement, using a bio-valve.

Everyone here says that the pre-op period is the hardest part. I haven't been on the other side yet, but I hope that's true. I'm not really looking forward to the recovery period, but I'm sure it will be good to have the surgery behind me.

You're among friends here. Talk out some of your fears and anxieties. I'm sure you'll get some good advice and a lot of reassurance that will help you handle what you are dealing with as you wait to see how your condition developes.

'Hope to hear from you often. ---Ron K
Hello again
Thank you Zazzy, Nancy, Hensylee and Ron for your replies of welcome and welcome I do feel.
It is great to have others to talk to. I feel I need that as my significant other worries about me too and if I'm always talking about it he will worry more.

This waiting game, as others say, must be the worst thing of all and, as we are all different, not knowing when. Glad you are all there with your love.

One question is it confusing to sign as Gillian but be logged in as Courtney? Not sure how that occurred except I think when I registered it said there was another Gillian ( whom I had noted anyway) and so I used my maiden name.



Hi Gillian
I discovered this wonderful group last July,when I found I needed aortic valve replacement, and it really helped me to understand the situation I was facing, before joining the group I did not know anything about valve replacement, but the good folks here all helped and supported me before and during my surgery, and are still here for me as I recover (6 weeks post op )

Having people who understand is a great help, you can ask questions and you will get honest answers,

I found the surgery not half as bad as I had expected and my recovery is going well,
I am in a rehab group and find it enjoyable

As everone will tell you the waiting is the worst,

Try not too worry, you will do fine, so many people will be thinking of you as you make the journey up the mountain and they will all be waiting for you on the Other Side

keep Smiling

Hello Gillian

I'm going through the same thing and I truly admire the people on this board. If not for them, I'd be going absolutely bonkers. People who do not have a heart problem nor ever had one, have no real idea of how to talk to us. They try very hard to console us (God love them for trying), but it's not the same as talking to those who have been there.

I go for my Heart Catheterization this Tuesday the 19th. The Doc's already know I have a severe regurg, but they want to see exactly how bad it is. I expect to hear the word surgery right after the Cath.

Lots of great people and great education can be found here. Hope to see more of you soon.

Hi Courtney (Gillian), welcome to the site. Lots of great info that I've found has made me more at ease with what is to come. My first cardio told me I had to have a mechanical also. Didn't give me alot of other information. Fortunately I had been reading a bit here at and knew that wasn't my only choice.

Ross Y, good luck with your cath. on tuesday. I'm also scheduled for a cath. on tuesday. I'm hoping there's no blockage. My AVR surgery was scheduled for Apr. 8th, but I moved it up to March 12 instead. Only 3 more weeks.

Mornin Gillian - name isn't confusing - if you notice, many are signed in with one name, but sign their posts with another. Not to worry. As we check in to 'view new posts' we read them all, no matter the signature. God bless
hensylee said:
Mornin Gillian - name isn't confusing - if you notice, many are signed in with one name, but sign their posts with another. Not to worry. As we check in to 'view new posts' we read them all, no matter the signature. God bless

hensylee just so I don't confuse you, I had Hank change my screen name because I felt real out of place using the one I use everywhere else. ;)
mainframe said:
Ross Y, good luck with your cath. on tuesday. I'm also scheduled for a cath. on tuesday. I'm hoping there's no blockage. My AVR surgery was scheduled for Apr. 8th, but I moved it up to March 12 instead. Only 3 more weeks.

Thanks Chris, I'll keep you in mind and prayer as I worry my way to the Cath lab. At least I know I'm not the only one scheduled for the 19th any longer. :)
Hello again.
Thanks for all your welcomes and I hope all was well today for Chris and Ross Y.

Great to read tonight that Gillian in England has contacted you all
Greetings to my name sake across the sea.

Have my next appointment in July to see how things have progressed, the Doctor says I am one of the lucky ones. I knew about this early along whilst for others the aortic valve have deteriorated to the state that the rest of the heart was affected. Well.......I'm not so sure seems like more time to worrying to me.
Worry wart that I am.

Good night to you all and fond thoughts


Hello and Welcome Gillian.

This group has been here many times for support of each person. You have joined a very close group and we are here for support of one another.

Feel at home to post and reply to any and all posts.

I should take my own advice and keep up with everyone a bit better.

Any how, God Bless,

My aortic valve was replaced with a St. Jude valve 11-9-01. I just found out about this site a few days ago, and have been reading through past posts. What a wonderful group of people! So many of the concerns I have had the past few months have been addressed here. One wishes that there were definite solutions, but at least we're all in the same boat.
I learned early on that those who haven't undergone heart surgery are easily bored by hospital talk, doctor talk, medication talk, etc.
Valve replacement is relatively rare compared to bypass surgery; it's wonderful to find a group that understands! I wish that I had been furnished information about this site along with my card for the St. Jude valve.

Welcome Jim

Welcome Jim

Welcome to the site, Jim. I didn't have valve replacement, but found this site after quad bypass in Mar 2000, but they let me stick around and swap stuff. Believe me, there aren't that many who can talk about bypass either. I hadn't a clue as to what had happened to me, except for that very short video they gave me to watchprior to surgery. Thanks to Hank this site is so helpful to those scheduled for valve replacement and recuperation after. So, welcome and stay with us as you will have much to offer members. God bless
Hi Jim, Welcome

Hi Jim, Welcome

This is indeed a marvelous site. My husband is the patient. He's had 3 open heart valve surgeries, 2 lung surgeries and has a pacemaker. He had rheumatic fever as a teen.

You're right about people you meet in your everyday life not understanding how profound this surgery is and the attending conditions which crop up from time to time. Even relatives are surprisingly, quite clueless.

Here, you're among understanding friends. We all try to tell it like it is, depending on our own experiences, or in some cases, like me, how it was or is for our loved ones.

There are so many issues which need answers. I think you will find that some of the info here, even your doctor doesn't know. Having gone through it is quite different from seeing it as a medical professional. I guess you might say we deal with the human side of things here as well as sharing lots of medical info.

So join us in asking, answering and basically helping each other, especially the ones who are facing surgery.