If I'm translating the time correctly, there were a half dozen or so on at that time.
When you come on the chat session, do two things:
1. Type your name above so we're not all curious about who the unknown is.
2. Press the "Finger" button. The "Whois" button lists the people on your channel, but the "Finger" button lists all the people on the various channels. Toward the end of each line of identification you can see which channel you are on. Obviously, we all want to be on the same channel.
It may be that you came onto one channel, and we were all on another. (To move to channel 0, type /JOIN 0). The program usually starts us off on Channel 2, but if the first person on leaves, everyone is bumped over the channel 0. That's what happens, not that I understand why. It was definitely a wild group last night.