Great chat tonight

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
What a lot of fun..Me, Jim, Shirley, Jean, Billy Rain, Gina, Dave...Jan..Jan and Billy are in Europe. so much fun to chat with our valvers across the pond...others..Please try to join us next Sunday We have loads of fun..Don't be shy..Bonnie
Hey Bonnie,
It was a Great Time tonight. Christina was also there for a while. I also hope more will give it a try. Lots of fun.
Have A Great Week!

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
*bows head*

Yeah know...I had hoped to stop in for a bit today, but I got busy doing other apologies.... One of these days I'll get in there to chat with ya'll again :).

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 30/swm
AIM=fc72mc ... YIM=knightfan2691
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB:
MC's Future:
My MC Family:
RIP: '76=Parents' [my] MC ... '88 MC LS ... '00 "mc" LS
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How long did you guys chat. I came on about 4:45 Central and I didn't see anyone. Glenn had me enslaved outside putting away deck furniture. I tried to sneak in earlier, but he'd have none of that!:mad:

I just hate missing out on a good time.
If I'm translating the time correctly, there were a half dozen or so on at that time.
When you come on the chat session, do two things:
1. Type your name above so we're not all curious about who the unknown is.
2. Press the "Finger" button. The "Whois" button lists the people on your channel, but the "Finger" button lists all the people on the various channels. Toward the end of each line of identification you can see which channel you are on. Obviously, we all want to be on the same channel.

It may be that you came onto one channel, and we were all on another. (To move to channel 0, type /JOIN 0). The program usually starts us off on Channel 2, but if the first person on leaves, everyone is bumped over the channel 0. That's what happens, not that I understand why. It was definitely a wild group last night.

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