Grand Pa Is Evil

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I got treated like a traitor this morning by my 2 grand kids. They didn't understand why I wouldn't feed them right away nor did they understand what the funny box with the bars were for. They really didn't understand why they were at a place where there were lots of animals, including Dogs, and some strange lady took them away from grandpa and grandma. I fear they will hire sniper kitty to come after me now!

I just called a little bit ago and surgery went fine. I'm to call after 9 in the morning to see if they are o.k. to be released. I am feareded now! :eek:
Well, at least you know that you will pay.... and pay dearly.

I got the 2 for 1 special plus vaccines and advantage, but I don't expect that that's going to make things right in their eyes any. Hey, I left them keep their claws. I should at least get credit for that right? :(
Hmmm claws:confused: . You left them well armed, it sounds like. Can't wait to see your avatar after they're done with you.

While I don't like their clawing habits, we've managed to keep them to their designated clawing areas. With all the wild animals in the area, I feel it's only right to allow them the best defense they can give themselves should they come under attack. Got a few large doggies around too. Ever seen a cat ride a Rottweiller (sp)? It's pretty dang funny.
They might be in a real snit for a few days, Ross. My cat has ignored me since I got home from work ....I left my bedroom door closed last night and he couldn't get in. He has a bad attitude anyway! He has been neutered and sometimes I threaten to get him a pink collar if he doesn't shape up. He too has his claws and so far the damage has been minimal.

Good luck with the grandkids when you pick them back up.
We adopted my Dad's cat 2 years ago after my Dad passed away. She is declawed, but an indoor cat. However, she can do some pretty good damage with those back claws. She nearly removed my small intestine when I was holding her and she got scared by something she saw outside.

What is it I've heard: Dogs have owners, cats have slaves.


Oh, Betty.:( Pink collar? You are so cruel!
Oh, Betty. Pink collar? You are so cruel!
To this very minute I laugh my AO over Nancy's description of Max, her neighborhood Tom. I envision this huge cat with a sissy collar on and I just about die laughing. :D
You'll have a very sore zoo tomorrow - but wait til Wednesday. They'll get you.

It's really strange in my house. My daughter has brought her two cats with her and my Penelope remembers them but my Priscilla Kitten never met them. She's a fraidy cat anyhow and when all those people started bringing in boxes and then TWO cats, she freaked. I couldn't find her for 24 hours. Thought she had got out and wouldn't come home. She hid in the 3rd bedroom. Hiding under my chair-side table right now (near Mama) Poor thing is so traumatized by these other cats - and they are traumatized because they are not in their own home - and my other cat is cock 'o the walk and lords it over everybody. The dogs don't care.:D
Ross, such a relief

Ross, such a relief

When I read your first post I thought you'd taken the kids to the pound! I'm so relieved it was just the vet. And yes, they'll be peeved. But my experience has been that they usually just want to make themselves scarce until they figure out that they're not going back there anytime soon!

Hensylee - did you ever find your sister's cat that escaped earlier this year? Hope so . . .
No, Georgia - he never showed up. He was a feral wee kitten when my sister found him, so maybe he went back to his roots - or maybe back to N.Y or Dallas!
Their home! Puff is allowed to do anything he wants too, so he's on the couch sleeping and Sam is laying on the livingroom floor looking rather drugged. I have to take her back in 10 days to have the stitches removed. So far, so good. They both purred when I petted them and nuzzled me, so maybe I'll escape the kitty hit list yet. :confused:
They both purred when I petted them and nuzzled me, so maybe I'll escape the kitty hit list yet.

Don't kid yourself. The drugs haven't completely left their systems. Cats have long memories.

Yeah I was thinking that too. I was watching them sleep. I wonder if they have those anesthesia nightmares that we people do? They were twitching and lots of REM movement.

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