Grand Kids At 2 weeks

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They are sooooo cute

I love seeing pictures!
Little first born does look like he/she has an eye in every direction! Keeping an eye on each sibling! haha They look healthy and ready to take on the world. So cute, Gramps.:D
Hey, Grand-cat-daddy......

Hey, Grand-cat-daddy......

Have we named the grandcats yet? :cool:
Ross How Cute! They are Adorable! They remind me of my Cleo when she was little! I'm sure you are a proud GrandPa!:D
SOOOO cute, Rossman!!! They look like my Scooter cat looked when he was born!!! Good luck---are you keeping them or finding homes for them???? MAKE SURE THEY'RE ALL SPAYED OR NEUTERED!!! If not, pretty soon you'll have a harem.

OOh Ross you proud Grandpa. I am ooing and aaing over those cute little darlings. I never tire seeing pictures of kitties. They are so cute! You better not invite me over because I couldn't leave without one of those beauties, but my older cats would have a major hissy fit if I would dare to bring a new one to their territory. They'd pee all over the house and we can't let that happen.

Evelyn.. I also have a cat named Scooter. He's almost 12 years old, and he's a chin chilla silver persian and spoiled rotten. I swear he talks too.

PS.. I am also "Oma" to about 5 cats in Oregon. Our family adores cats and they are such a part of the family.
I won't get tired of your babies

I won't get tired of your babies


Your babies are beautiful. I am a cat person too. I have six that live in my greenhouse and barn and one that is an inside cat. My inside cat is named Savannah and she has 4 babies right now they are five weeks old. I am an animal person in general but I really love my cats. Keep posting your pictures Grandpa they are beautiful.
I don't know about the first born. It's eyes are funny, but it appears as though it can see. Either that or pretends pretty good.
Mom is partial to the first born too. I think she knows somethings up with it.

I haven't named them because if I do, I'll want to keep em. We may keep one, probably the third born because it's so ornery. The first born has already been claimed by Steve's girlfriends sister. I told her she'd have to wait 4 more weeks until their weened.

They are just now starting to do little amounts of exploring. They are a riot to watch. Third born thinks everyone is a sparing partner, including mom. She knocks it on it's little butt and it keeps on coming. Personalities are now beginning to show. :D

Your babies can't see very well yet, like human babies they can not focus on anything. They just see shadows until they are about 4 weeks old.

Oh,, Ross

Oh,, Ross

What cuties! They are absolutely adorable. I would love to adopt one, but Frisco wouldn't take to it to nicely as he is an alpha dog.

I have included Frisco's picture. He is a good dog, loves to go to work, and when my husband isn't around he thinks he can go up on the couch. He doesn't take orders from me, only his partner..LOL

PS, Ross, I don't know how to size this photo so it doesn't come out too big.
beuatiful Dog!

beuatiful Dog!

Your Dog is beautiful! I love animals but large breed dogs esp.
Thanks Nadi

Thanks Nadi

Well, officially he belongs to the City of Lowell, but he lives here with us as my husband is his partner.

He is a Belgium Malonois. He was imported from Holland. From what i understand this breed is normally used for police work as they don't really don't make good pets. They have a high energy level and are happiest when they are always on the go. Frisco loves to work, and hates it when my husband has a day off, or worse yet when he is on vacation. Funny we cannot say the word WORK or WALK or he will get all excited at the thought!


Ross to be honest, the dog spends more time with him than I do! But then my husband jokes that at least Frisco doesn't talk back to him!:D :D :D
Gisele, my grandson, the cop, also has a dog but don't think it's the same kind. He's not an attack dog - does that make him an alpha dog? He just got him about 3 weeks ago.