got into trouble with cardiologist today

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
Newport News, virginia
I went to see my cardiologist today, as my surgery is in 2 weeks. I kindof over did it with my children yesturday and i had a spell. I became very short of breath, had chest pains, my heart was skipping beats and felt like it was fluttering, and i got very dizzy and fell on my sons bed and it took me alittle while to be able to get up. So today i saw the doctor and my daughter went with me. She told him all the things im still trying to do and he flipped out on me. He told me did i realize just how severe my aortic stenosis was and that i need to do nothing but rest from now until my surgery on feb 11th. He also jumped on me about not having the surgery in december when i was suppose to. He said i told you in october that i didnt want you to go past december on having the surgery, So why have you waited so long to have it done. I told him i was waiting to hear from disability as im a single mother and its hard to just quit working and have no money coming in. So he told me today that from now on i do nothing but rest. He even called my family today and told them to make sure i keep resting. he told me if i dont , there is a big possiblity i could drop dead at anytime. So he scared me so bad today im going to listen to him. My mom even threatened to take my car keys and drivers license away from me.
The doctor even threatened to put me in the hopital now and keep me until my surgery on feb 11th to make sure i do nothing but rest.
Ive just always been independent and its hard to rely on other people for help and have all my control taking away from me I feel like im a child being scolded.. But i have to learn to live with it for awhile until i get the surgery done and heal. So i guess i really needed him jumping on me today to get it through my thick head.

The doctor said he really didnt want me waiting 2 more weeks for the surgery, but i have to get these 2 teeth filled next week, and the surgeon is going out of town the 1st week of feb, so the 11th is the soonest we can do it. So my cardio just said over these next 2 weeks do nothing but rest and i will make it until the 11th. Im going to see him again on wednesday.

Sounds like you really need to follow orders this time. Chill and get ready for your surgery. Your in our prayers.

God Bless
Sarah, I understand your's very hard to accept the news that we need surgery and are unable to do the things we want to. I have seen the same cardio for years, and he had urged me to get into surgery, but I just could not get a grasp on it. He would get very annoyed with me which just makes me dig in my heels further. When I tried to stall further and asked for a stress echo another cardio showed up to supervise. Before I could get on the treadmill, she looked at my echo and said "hold everything". I replied "what's wrong?" She calmly said that if I got on the treadmill there was a good chance that I could drop dead. She then demanded that I stop driving my car or she would make sure my licence was taken away. I started crying and ran into the hallway because I knew she was right. Somehow she was the one who got through to me....a few weeks later I was at the surgeon's office and booked for surgery.
This is not something to take lightly....please rest, your kids need you. Don't worry about money or working, for once you have to come first. Everything else will fall into place. Best wishes.
Two Weeks?

Two Weeks?

Isn't it a bummer when people who care about you rat you out? If you're having the kinds of symtoms you described, you're lucky your daughter spoke up and let your cardio doc know what's been going on. It sounds like you need to take things easy for a couple of weeks.

Within a couple weeks of surgery, my tooth broke off which added even more excitement to my schedule. Just stay calm and you will get through it.....deep breathing helps!
aren't you happy that he cares so much. That's a wonderful doctor who is saving your life for you and your children. Maybe you can send him a thank you note after your surgery (no kidding, I mean that). Now you stay resting and calm for a bit longer and soon you can get up and do all that good stuff. We will be thinking about you and sending our thoughts heavenward. Blessins.......
Deareast Sarah

Deareast Sarah

Sarah, it is very important that you do not exert your self at this time. The stenosis makes it impossible for your heart to satisfy the demands of your body when you do.

Sounds like he drove the point home. you won't 'have to worry about anything once your dead. You need to be fighting to stay alive.

We get discouraging reports here from time to time about doctors who just don't seem to care and let things slide. Sounds like your cardio is the opposite, and you are blessed to have him! I know it is hard to be chewed out like that, but please do closely follow his instructions, foremost to "chill" prior to the scheduled surgery. If you need to vent, we are here.

All best wishes,
Okay, well it's a very good thing that you are going to listen now, and that your family understands the seriousness and will help you through this. It's no good to get scolded and then not be offered the help. This is a JOURNEY for you. You are going to LEARN NEW THINGS. Sounds like one of the things you need to learn is to let people help you, and to learn how to stop being the you that you are used to being for awhile. It is very hard. WE KNOW THIS!!! We've all been through it. It's okay to let go of yourself for awhile. You will be able to come back to it.

I had several delays that took 4 months; a breast biopsy and minor surgery and a long delayed colonoscopy. Then my husband decided we needed a vacation in the sun that winter....I thought I would die in Phoenix, miles away from home!!

But everything turned out to be fine. I took my valve down to "critical" and had lots of tsk tsk anesthesiologists complaining, but I am good as new now!!!!

PLEASE be gentle with yourself. You honestly had a very scary episode.

Take care.

Im listening

Im listening

thank all of you for the words of encouragement. I have done nothing since the doctor chewed me out on friday but stay home and rest. Even tho i had quit working, i was stil trying to go in some and work. But friday i went in and put in my final paperwork for a medical leave of absence. So for the past 3 days i have been staying put and resting and i do feel a little better. I did go out and bought some yarn at the craft store and started making an afghan to keep me from becoming stir crazy.

Im listening and im staying put on the couch as much as possible. Im just not going to worry if things get done or not, they will still be here after surgery when im all healed.
Sarah, I know just how you feel. I kept going for about six months before I had AVR. I had passed out several times, onc time the night before surgery. The doctor said if I had waited I wouldn't be here today. I probably wouldn't have lasted two or three more days. Now, that's pushing it way too close. You take care of yourself. You are very important to your children and your family. Thank goodness you have a doctor that cares! Hugs & prayers are coming your way. You'll be surprised to see how good it is on the other side of the mountain!
SarahL said:
I went to see my cardiologist today, as my surgery is in 2 weeks. I kindof over did it with my children yesturday and i had a spell. I became very short of breath, had chest pains, my heart was skipping beats and felt like it was fluttering, and i got very dizzy and fell on my sons bed and it took me alittle while to be able to get up. So today i saw the doctor and my daughter went with me. She told him all the things im still trying to do and he flipped out on me. He told me did i realize just how severe my aortic stenosis was and that i need to do nothing but rest from now until my surgery on feb 11th. He also jumped on me about not having the surgery in december when i was suppose to. He said i told you in october that i didnt want you to go past december on having the surgery, So why have you waited so long to have it done. I told him i was waiting to hear from disability as im a single mother and its hard to just quit working and have no money coming in. So he told me today that from now on i do nothing but rest. He even called my family today and told them to make sure i keep resting. he told me if i dont , there is a big possiblity i could drop dead at anytime. So he scared me so bad today im going to listen to him. My mom even threatened to take my car keys and drivers license away from me.
The doctor even threatened to put me in the hopital now and keep me until my surgery on feb 11th to make sure i do nothing but rest.
Ive just always been independent and its hard to rely on other people for help and have all my control taking away from me I feel like im a child being scolded.. But i have to learn to live with it for awhile until i get the surgery done and heal. So i guess i really needed him jumping on me today to get it through my thick head.

The doctor said he really didnt want me waiting 2 more weeks for the surgery, but i have to get these 2 teeth filled next week, and the surgeon is going out of town the 1st week of feb, so the 11th is the soonest we can do it. So my cardio just said over these next 2 weeks do nothing but rest and i will make it until the 11th. Im going to see him again on wednesday.

the teeth are the least of your worries. you need the surgery YESTERDAY!
witzkeyman said:
the teeth are the least of your worries. you need the surgery YESTERDAY!
This may be true, but since you shouldn't have any invasive dental procedures until you're 6 months post op, the best time to have your dental work is before you go into surgery. Good luck finding a dentist who will work on your teeth until then and good luck finding a surgeon who will do this quasi-elective surgery without a clean dental bill of health.

Patients need to be honest with their health care providers about their dental care issues. If you can't afford it or have a strong fear of dentists, then, usually your PCP or the hospital can help get your mouth taken care of prior to your surgery.
pamela said:
Patients need to be honest with their health care providers about their dental care issues. If you can't afford it or have a strong fear of dentists, then, usually your PCP or the hospital can help get your mouth taken care of prior to your surgery.
Don't count on it. They knew my situation and it didn't compel them to do a thing. Now here I sit, needing 5 pulled immediately and dentures.
Ross said:
Don't count on it. They knew my situation and it didn't compel them to do a thing. Now here I sit, needing 5 pulled immediately and dentures.
That's awful Ross. There's nothing worse than painful teeth. I forget how tedious it must be to fight with medical insurance companies and how horrible people are treated when they don't have the coverage on their policy. I can't imagine applying for a loan to get medical care and yet I know there are hundreds, if not thousands individuals who need to do just that each month.

And, yes, in an emergency I guess they really don't care about the teeth. Like I implied earlier though, as long as a patient is still on the list and not in the OR here in Alberta, they can apply for assistance in getting their teeth taken care of first. I wish it were like that for everyone.