Got a new dog

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Well, it doesn't bother her at all to go where her food is which is in my computer/music room. She kept me awake all night long crying and howling! She even tore up the carpet in front of the door. Eddie was so upset this morning when he saw the mess she had made of the room. I'm afraid he is going to make me get ride of her. I have a cousin that loves animals so I may ask her to take her. At least she's spaded, has had all her bad teeh pulled and her good ones cleaned, she's had all her shots. I've already spent over $300.00 on her and I kept her from going to the pound. I'm so exhausted this morning. My husband won't let her stay in our bedroom and certainly not in our bed. She kept him awake last night too and he's not a happy camper without his sleep. I had left her door open to let her have the run of all the house downstairs and she was fine until about 1:00 am and then she started howling at the bottom of the stairs that goes up to our bedroom. She won't come up the stairs, thank goodness! She just wants to be wherever we are at. He was ready just to turn her loose outside. He would do that too! ! He is not an animal lover like I am. So for her own safety I had better find a good home for her. Poor little thing, here she goes again having to adjust. But at least she's well now and she wasn't before, and I'm not attached to her really bad yet. My cousin has a fenced in yard so that may be the perfect place fo her. It's not fair to her either that I am gone from 8-5 at work. I'm sure she probably cries all day long.
She slept through the night! YEAH! ! I just left her out and didn't put her in my computer/music room with a closed door. She has a special blanket that she has adopted to lay on so that's just where I left her last night. She didn't strat crying until about 5:00 which is the time I wake up and take her outside. I had laid this blanket in my chair where she likes to sit in my lap and I think she laid there all night. She was still there this morning. I think she is adjusting finally. I told my husband Eddie that I might give her to my cousin and he said "No" let's keep her for a while and see if she settles down. I think deep down he feels sorry for her and likes her too. He even let her sit in his laft last night. He's mellowing! Thank goodness! ! Thanks again for all your suggestions.

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