You'll be in my thoughts on Monday, while I am in work. It will go fast, so try to find your calm early, or you'll miss it all...
If you're going to be on morphine, consider asking your surgeon or attending if you can use Fentanyl instead. It is a cousin of morphine that leaves many people less groggy and tends to affect the stomach less.
Also, ask if they'll tape the vent tube instead of clamping it to your lip. It will avoid a fat lip later.
Putting a second gown on backwards over the first one is, uh, let's say draftproof, and a lot easier than bothering with your own clothing. You don't have to fool around with wires and tubes, and it doesn't mess up your own bathrobe or PJs. After OHS and no shower for two days, you won't want to reuse anything of yours you wear until after it's been washed.
Ask your wife to bring a pen and pad when she first comes to see you after the surgery. If you still have the breathing tube in (as I did), it helps to be able to write to communicate. If you do still have the tube, try to relax and go with it. It's safe. Remember, it has already kept you alive for hours, when you couldn't breathe on your own, and it won't quit on you now that you're awake, either.
The spirometer is a pain, but use it. It helps you clean out your lungs and keep your oxygen supply up, which are keys to recovery. Your lungs and diaphragm have to get used to doing the work again after being shut down for several hours, something that nature never intended. It also helps to maintain initial flexibility of your ribcage, which may reduce sternum and rib pain down the road.
Very best wishes,