Good Luck To jjputz

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Jeff I'll be calling your tomorrow evening before you attempt to sleep and wishing you well. Just wanted to start this thread now before too much time passes and your under the anesthesia before we get to formally send you on your way.

Best of luck to you and your wife during your surgery and recovery. I'll be keeping you in thought and prayer until we know your going to be fine. It's a big journey, but you should do well. Take it all a day at a time. :)
Good luck, Jeff! You are going to one of the best, if not the "best" and you will do fine. Look forward to hearing of a smooth and complete recovery. Please try and have your wife post for you.
Thoughts, hugs and prayers on their way to you. Please take care and keep us posted.


My wifes not to computer savvy I will post when I get home.
Good luck to fellow NW Ohioian

Good luck to fellow NW Ohioian

Be careful driving down the turnpike,once you get to CC all will go fine.
You are in the best of hands and you will soon be home safe and sound.
My best to you, :)
Safe Passage!

Safe Passage!

Jeff, I'll be thinking of you on Monday and hoping that you'll be long discharged before I get up there on the 14th for my appointments the 15th and 16th. I'm sure you'll be in great hands and that everything will go smoothly. I think the anticipation has to be worse than the actual event, I'm already stressing about my appointment so I figure I'll be a basket case by the time I actually have the surgery
Good Luck!!

Good Luck!!


I will be praying for you!! I am sure everything will go smoothly!! I agree that the anticipation can be very difficult. My husband had his surgery in October of last year and the months leading up to it were far worse that the day of surgery and the weeks of recovery that followed. Just relax as much as possible and know that we are all praying for you!!

Good luck and God speed. I know everything will go well.
You'll be in my thoughts on Monday, while I am in work. It will go fast, so try to find your calm early, or you'll miss it all...

If you're going to be on morphine, consider asking your surgeon or attending if you can use Fentanyl instead. It is a cousin of morphine that leaves many people less groggy and tends to affect the stomach less.

Also, ask if they'll tape the vent tube instead of clamping it to your lip. It will avoid a fat lip later.

Putting a second gown on backwards over the first one is, uh, let's say draftproof, and a lot easier than bothering with your own clothing. You don't have to fool around with wires and tubes, and it doesn't mess up your own bathrobe or PJs. After OHS and no shower for two days, you won't want to reuse anything of yours you wear until after it's been washed.

Ask your wife to bring a pen and pad when she first comes to see you after the surgery. If you still have the breathing tube in (as I did), it helps to be able to write to communicate. If you do still have the tube, try to relax and go with it. It's safe. Remember, it has already kept you alive for hours, when you couldn't breathe on your own, and it won't quit on you now that you're awake, either.

The spirometer is a pain, but use it. It helps you clean out your lungs and keep your oxygen supply up, which are keys to recovery. Your lungs and diaphragm have to get used to doing the work again after being shut down for several hours, something that nature never intended. It also helps to maintain initial flexibility of your ribcage, which may reduce sternum and rib pain down the road.

Very best wishes,
I wish you the best. I know in many instances people talk about a calm that comes over them before OHS - prior to any relaxing meds. This peaceful feeling came over me relaxing meds helped too), I can't explain it except to say that I knew I wasn't alone in spirit, and I was in very capable hands with my medical team. Keep thinking positive! A post-op note - you may come to hate the physical therapist quickly, as they show up right away to get you moving. Though the more you cooperate & do the physical work to gets those muscles going, the sooner you will be home. Definitely have a tablet and pen by your side!
Take care -
Jeff, I will be thinking about you tomorrow. I know you will do fine..Just get out of bed and walk those halls. :) Helps to get the yucky stuff out of you... Remember to take your pain pills at home before you need them..helps with the walking around your house the first week..The more you walk, the better you will feel. Try to post soon, after you come home. Ross worries :D :D Bonnie
Sending best wishes your way Jeff. Hope all goes well with the op and your recovery.

Anna : )
Best wishes Jeff,

May God be with you and your family on this journey. No matter where you are or what you are facing He is only a wisper (and even a though if you can't talk because of the tube). His hand was on my shoulder the entire time.

Good luck and God bless.

I talked to Jeff briefly last night. I asked him if he thought he was going to sleep alright and he was positive that he was. (Or else he's a good liar! :D )

He wondered if he was making the right choice of valves. I told him that he decided on it, trust the decision and move on. If it cannot be, it will be replaced with something else. Too late to worry about that now.

He seemed positive and ready to go, so I'll check with his wife perhaps tonight, but I think I'll leave her alone until tomorrow.
My post didn't post

My post didn't post

I posted from the cleveland clinic but I guess it didn't post.
When I awoke I was sick - I was hot - although I didn't have a fever. My roomate looked the same as me - wet as a toad. I didn't even want to talk on the phone.
During the operation they got in there and decided against putting in the homograft. Instead they put in a dacron tube and a edwards carpentier bovine tissue valve. I wanted the Magnum but they had some issues about installing one.
I'd like to say good luck to Perkicar who will probably be heading up to Cleveland tomorrow.
jjputz said:
I posted from the cleveland clinic but I guess it didn't post.
When I awoke I was sick - I was hot - although I didn't have a fever. My roomate looked the same as me - wet as a toad. I didn't even want to talk on the phone.
During the operation they got in there and decided against putting in the homograft. Instead they put in a dacron tube and a edwards carpentier bovine tissue valve. I wanted the Magnum but they had some issues about installing one.
I'd like to say good luck to Perkicar who will probably be heading up to Cleveland tomorrow.

It posted just fine buddy, only it's over in post surgery since your no longer a preemie! :D

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