Good luck Big-Chuck

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Best to you for your MVR on Monday. Please have someone post for you after so we won't worry too much. We will be thinking of and praying for you.
In all the anxiety of having my own, I almost forgot yours! :eek: :eek: Good luck, and please pave the way (or break the waves) for Cory and I on Tuesday.
God bless,
Best to you, Big Chuck. Your cyberfriends are with you all the way. We'll be anxious to hear how you did.
Good luck Chuck - wishing you smooth sailing and an uneventful recovery.
surgery on Monay

surgery on Monay

well thank you everyone, cant make up my mind whether i want to go swimming or mountain climbing but I am definitely going.I have gotten so tired of being out of breathe and not having any energy to do anything. Someone please tell me after surgery this gets better.! I cannot thank this community enough for all your support. I wonder if I will be ticking when I wake up? hmmmmmmm
Good Luck Big Chuck

Believe me it does get better, I was always SOB and tired. I am now post op 7 days no more SOB I am getting tired from doing to much but not the same thing.
The tick is good but takes a while to get use to.

You will do well lots of prayers comming you way
hang in there it does get better.
We'll all be sending happy thoughts and prayers your way! We can't wait to hear how well everything goes for you. I feel like a whole new person after my surgery, except that this darn sternum isn't healing fast enough for me. I'm just not a very good patient.

By the way, I sent you a private message after you posted some questions to me, but I'm not sure if you ever got it. It was just some encouraging words for you. :) You'll do great! Godspeed and we'll see you on the other side!

Hey, Chucky (I know they called you that when you were little) - here's good wishes as you travel along your way over the obstacle (guess we have to call it that since we now have the Channel in here with the mountain) and back to us. Hope someone lets us know you are doing fine. GODSPEED!
Good luck Chuck!! I am 2 weeks post op and I agree with Liza - I am already feeling better.
Hey Big Chuck

Just to let you know that I'll be thinking of you tomorrow for two is, of course, the surgery, but second is that our friend, Big Chuck, same name, had his OHS about a year ago and is doing fine. He had a rough go, but came through with flying colors......I know you will, too.

You will be in my prayers.

Good luck to you!

Good luck to you!

Chuck. Looking forward to hearing about your journey and your success!! Good luck. Best wishes.

:) Marguerite
it is time

it is time

well time for me to drive down to San Diego so I will be ready early tomorrow for my big day. I left instructions with my wife to post here on Wednesday so you all will know how I am doing. Until then see ya all later, thx for all your kind words and support. see ya on the other side of somewhere. Praise the Lord for all His grace and mercy extended to me!! May the peace of God which surpasses all human understanding guards your hearts and minds!!!
Try to make that ride at least part of the way along the coast. It will add to the peace God has already given you. I am sure the fastest way is down the 15 but head over to the coast when you get south of Oceanside.

Take care.
Best wishes for an uneventful recovery Chuck. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
Tell your wife to make sure she gets plenty of rest while you're in the hospital so she's ready for you when you get home.