going to have a valve replacement

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hello, all i am new to this web, and i am a 34 yr old female and i have just resently been dx with a prolasped valve and a sever heart murmer, i have to have a valve replacement and i am so scared about it bc i have only 2 valves and one is severally leaking, they have said that they are going to have to put a metal valve in me and go thur my ribs to take out the bad valve and i was wondering if someone can e-mail me with some info on that and how they did with the surgery. my e-mail add is [email protected] and i live in nc and i am married with 2 kids
New to web site.

New to web site.

Hi, My name is Sylvia, and welcome to a lot of new friends. Your just so lucky to have found this site. You will get free advice and a lot of other stuff too. All you want. Everyone here has been in your shoes. If you need someone to talk to or need a helping ear, we are here for you. I'll be watching for you from now on. Bye for now, Sylvia G.
hi melissa!
welcome to this wonderful site. eveyone here is so helpful, caring and informative.
which valve is it that needs replacing? your aortic? mitral? is the mechanical valve your choice or thiers? have they given you other alternatives or options (there are several)? how badly is your valve leaking? when do they say you will be needing the surgery by?
i'm sure you must be so frightened by all this. we're here to help and support you.
please come back and i'm sure we can help and hopefully answer your questions.
stay well, sylvia