Going in for surgery

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Hello every one Brandi here again, lol you guys are too funny i'm sure he will be on here soon making his own posts again instead of me mumbling ! last night they had him stand up and this morning he ate some orange slices, they are taking a few of the tubes and needles out and what not he is doing fantastically! just so wonderfulllll!! they are taking him out of icu into a general room very SOON! i will continue to update ! have a great day all!
How wonderful to read the play by play. Country is lucky to have you watching over him, and we are lucky to have such timely updates on Country's progress. I felt like I was in the hospital waiting room with you. So glad he is doing well.
Yep, I was the one who asked for gum, but it wasn't cause I was thirsty. I wanted to kiss my nurse ;)

I have the cure for you! You should have had the nurses I did. You wouldn't want gum, you'd be asking for an emesis basin.
Yea, I was lucky with a lot of my nurses. I'll have to give the hiring director some kudos ;)

Brandi, make sure he does those breathing exercises - it's easy to forget, but they help so much starting right about at this point. And make sure he's doing his walks. Glad things are going so well, and continue keeping us posted!
Brandi here again, he is doing great they have taken him for 2 walks the second time was quicker than the other! he hurst some and doesnt have much appetite but he is sittin up and doing pretty dang good! he has done tons of the breathing exercise things, that sorta tired him out! well im just going to listen to the dietician talk so once again ill get another update soon.!
Hello Brandi here, they it is now day 2 of his after surgery recovery, yesterday all together he walked 4 laps! he did wonderfully, he still has his oxygen handy and the pace maker also if he needs it its there. he is doing great with the breathing exercises, they can deffinately wear a guy out fast though! But as they day goes on he keeps making more great progress! and i wil let you know when i find more out!
Sounds great Brandi! Agree with Ross he'll probably be going home by tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. But don't let them kick him out a day early, don't want him to miss out on that great hospital food, lol. Have him try the French Toast - that was the only thing I really enjoyed.
allright everyone!! this is me! i ran into a few complications post op. so that slowed things way down! but i should be out of here tomorrow!

i ended up having about 400ml of fluid build up in the sack around my heart!!! that was a major set back....

but i am doing much better now, finally, and am ready to get on to rehab and out of this place!!
Not too many people get through this speed bump free. Glad your on the road to getting outta there.
yeah everything is looking good for now!!! easy does it!!!

Just had my inr checked and i am at a 2.5.... so we will see what next week brings!

i am pretty well amazed at how i am doing around the house! i am making sure to get some extra rest in there when i need it though!!

good times!! thanks