Going back to work

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Hello old friends,

I am sorry I have not been on much, but as I have been getting better I have grown more and more busy. I am going back to work tomorrow. I talked with Dr. Siegel today and he released me to light duty. Since I am currently in Fire Prevention and the hardest thing I do is carry a clipboard around i will be returning to my old job. It will be quite awhile before i found out if I will ever be able to return to working in a fire station but I am still hopeful. My job is not very strenuous but it can be very stressful. I hope to bring a new attitude to work with me. When you face the things we all have faced. Being the best or being the richest just doesn't matter anymore. I still want to do a good job but I don't feel like I have to impress everyone or be the first guy to get all my inspections done or whatever else has driven me in the past. I am just going to take it one day at a time.

I am feeling great. Sometimes I feel a little pressure around the scar site. I am sure it is just the healing that I feel. I have very little problems with being short of breath unless I walk up hills when I exercise. I am walking an hour almost everyday. I get in a little over 4 miles in one hour. I hope to start adding more elevation to the walks a little at a time. It has been about ten weeks and i can't believe how great I feel. Well I am off to bed since I have to get up and get going early. It will feel wierd to be back in uniform again. I hope everything still fits!

So glad things are going so well for you Randy- busy is good! Best of luck as you return to work.

Every time we take a step back to normalcy.. it sure feels good!!
Have a great week at work!
Good luck returning to work Randy. It will take some adjustments from what you might be used to but it will be great getting back to the more normal routines.
I think that everytime we go thru an experience where our body is cut open (I had cancer surgery 11 years ago), we begin to think differently about life. It's not how much we make or how well we do our job, but it's I'm glad I can get out of bed every morning and even more thankful for family and friends.
Have a great week and let us know how it's going.
Great job, Randy! And I think your attitude is wonderful.

Wishing you a wonderful return to work. Don't be afraid to listen to your body when it needs to rest. If you can....naps are wonderful and rejuvinating things! ;) Even if it's just a quick little nap before dinner!

Good luck!

:) Marguerite
Like stretch said, it is good to hear the good stuff, especially if you are waiting on surgery. Good Luck!!:)
Good Luck!

Good Luck!

Congrats on your recovery! I agree on taking it one step at a time. I am returing to work Wed. the 25th and wonder how I will be driven. I think you have a great plan, and I will have to try with the same attitude! Good Luck! Be Well!!

Harder than I thought it would be

Harder than I thought it would be

Well the stack of work was higher than I thought and now that the word is getting out that I am back I am getting tons of calls with people wanting me to come and do an inspection. I am already booked through next week. I have to remember that my job is never done and to keep that attitude going of taking it one day at a time. I came home today after a very long day and for the first time in awhile my BP is up a bit (124/75). It has been more like 110 or less over something in the low 70s. I took a half of a vasotec which is what my cardiologist told me to do the last time my BP was up a bit. I appreciate the advice Marguerite gave to take naps or little breaks. Tomorrow is a full day but i am going to try and find a fire station to sit and take a break in. My captain has given me permission to go home early but it has been hard to do. I put in 11-12 hours both days. Tomorrow home early. Thanks for all your support. this community of friends has meant a lot to me.


PS I did have to get some bigger pants! I didn't gain weight but I definately widened in the middle.
NO, NO, NO, Randy

NO, NO, NO, Randy

11 or 12 hours is way too much to begin with after the surgery you had!!! Didn't anyone do any inspections the whole time you were out?? If they could go that long, they can surely wait their turn while you work decent hours. There you go with that type A personality again. NOONE is indispensable, though we all like to think we are.:) :)

Tell your lovely wife I'll be the nag so she won't have to be!!:rolleyes: :p :)

The most important thing to do is take it easy. If things get a little hectic, step back and relax a little bit. Your health is the most important thing esp. now. Yes, naps are great. I used to take a nap everyday at 3:00 and it would resfresh me and give me enough energy to make it through the day. Glad to hear you back at work and back to a daily routine. It helps in recovery as well.
Awesome Randy -

Awesome Randy -

to hear that you are doing so well!! Thank you so much for sharing so much - it really does help the rest of us.
I must second what Barb said - a couple more 11 - 12 hour days will have you needing more time off - or a trip to the doc. TAKE IT EASY!!!
Best of luck!!

back to work

back to work

I haven't been on in a while...I'm sorry to say! I shouldv'e been checking on everyone.
I am happy to hear that you are back at work. I'm sure it has been difficult staying home for so long.
Take care please and don't do too much, you don't have anything to prove.. you already survived OHS!!!:D
God Speed,

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