Christina L
Well-known member
I just received a call from Jeanne, Dr. Cosgrove's nurse practitioner in Cleveland. She said the echo tape that I had sent to them has been read by one of their radiologists and here is the scoop - as much as I can remember and put into words...."My mitral valve repair is 'perfect' - trivial regurg, no stenosis, perfect....left atrium normal, right atrium normal, left ventricle normal, right ventricle normal although on ONE view the right ventricle seems to be "somewhat enlarged." Here is the part that I do not quite understand and had never heard before BUT if the right ventricle is dilated a little it is from "age relaxation" - has anyone heard of this before. Does that mean congestive heart failure? Also, and the biggest thing, is that they saw no sign of pulmonary hypertension.
I called Wayne and asked him what name he would like to name our daughter that we will adopt from China.
I feel that God wanted to show me to put Him first and live my life for Him - it was all about me - all of my plans for the future were MY plans, not God's. Now I am living very differently and I am so, so thankful to God for His mercy on me - that He brought me through this latest mental crisis one way or the other. I won't complain of the outcome one little bit.
P.S. I wore the monitor again last night with oxygen. However, when I awoke this morning, the monitor was not on. We do not know how long the monitor was on/off, so I may be taking the test again. BTW, I had Wayne put the oxygen saturation monitor on his finger last night around 8 p.m. and his oxygen saturations are lower than mine!! His were 92-93% and mine are around 94-95%. As I told Wayne, I guess low oxygen saturations are normal at this elevation, but I think Wayne is a tad worried now about his sats - stating that he wants to start exercising again.
I will still see the new cardio on January 4 and will ask him about this age relaxation thing and what it all could mean, but in the meanwhile, any thoughts are appreciated.
Thanks everyone, again, for your support and patience with me. As we all know on this board, having a heart condition is a scary, scary thing at times.
Christina L
I called Wayne and asked him what name he would like to name our daughter that we will adopt from China.
P.S. I wore the monitor again last night with oxygen. However, when I awoke this morning, the monitor was not on. We do not know how long the monitor was on/off, so I may be taking the test again. BTW, I had Wayne put the oxygen saturation monitor on his finger last night around 8 p.m. and his oxygen saturations are lower than mine!! His were 92-93% and mine are around 94-95%. As I told Wayne, I guess low oxygen saturations are normal at this elevation, but I think Wayne is a tad worried now about his sats - stating that he wants to start exercising again.
I will still see the new cardio on January 4 and will ask him about this age relaxation thing and what it all could mean, but in the meanwhile, any thoughts are appreciated.
Thanks everyone, again, for your support and patience with me. As we all know on this board, having a heart condition is a scary, scary thing at times.
Christina L