God has given me another reprieve -

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Christina L

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2003
Estes Park, Colorado
I just received a call from Jeanne, Dr. Cosgrove's nurse practitioner in Cleveland. She said the echo tape that I had sent to them has been read by one of their radiologists and here is the scoop - as much as I can remember and put into words...."My mitral valve repair is 'perfect' - trivial regurg, no stenosis, perfect....left atrium normal, right atrium normal, left ventricle normal, right ventricle normal although on ONE view the right ventricle seems to be "somewhat enlarged." Here is the part that I do not quite understand and had never heard before BUT if the right ventricle is dilated a little it is from "age relaxation" - has anyone heard of this before. Does that mean congestive heart failure? Also, and the biggest thing, is that they saw no sign of pulmonary hypertension. :D

I called Wayne and asked him what name he would like to name our daughter that we will adopt from China. :) I feel that God wanted to show me to put Him first and live my life for Him - it was all about me - all of my plans for the future were MY plans, not God's. Now I am living very differently and I am so, so thankful to God for His mercy on me - that He brought me through this latest mental crisis one way or the other. I won't complain of the outcome one little bit.

P.S. I wore the monitor again last night with oxygen. However, when I awoke this morning, the monitor was not on. We do not know how long the monitor was on/off, so I may be taking the test again. BTW, I had Wayne put the oxygen saturation monitor on his finger last night around 8 p.m. and his oxygen saturations are lower than mine!! His were 92-93% and mine are around 94-95%. As I told Wayne, I guess low oxygen saturations are normal at this elevation, but I think Wayne is a tad worried now about his sats - stating that he wants to start exercising again. ;)

I will still see the new cardio on January 4 and will ask him about this age relaxation thing and what it all could mean, but in the meanwhile, any thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks everyone, again, for your support and patience with me. As we all know on this board, having a heart condition is a scary, scary thing at times.

Christina L
Christina L said:
I just received a call from Jeanne, Dr. Cosgrove's nurse practitioner in Cleveland. She said the echo tape that I had sent to them has been read by one of their radiologists and here is the scoop - as much as I can remember and put into words...."My mitral valve repair is 'perfect' - trivial regurg, no stenosis, perfect....left atrium normal, right atrium normal, left ventricle normal, right ventricle normal although on ONE view the right ventricle seems to be "somewhat enlarged." . . . Also, and the biggest thing, is that they saw no sign of pulmonary hypertension. :D

I will still see the new cardio on January 4 and will ask him about this age relaxation thing and what it all could mean, but in the meanwhile, any thoughts are appreciated.

Christina L

The only thought that I have Christina is that you have a definitive answer from the Cleveland Clinic that is very positive in nature. I would continue to thank God that you are so fortunate and in no way dwell on any "what ifs."
Please take the gift you have been given and celebrate God's goodness. Don't mar it with any lingering doubts. :) :) :)
Great news Christina. I would guess that the age relaxation means that when we're 40 (cough) something, that we shouldn't expect to have the heart of a 21 year-old.

If you're adopting - tell Wayne that that is the best reason to start exercising again! You're going to need your energy - and will find you have energy you never thought you had.

May God bless the new year for you both.
Sooooo pleased you got good news Christina and hope you can start to perhaps relax a bit now and look forward to becoming parents to a lucky little baby!

Woohoo!!! Gee, it's good to hear you so upbeat. Hold that thought.

I'm sure you and Wayne will find that absolutely perfect name for your little to-be-daughter.

Happy New Year.
Thank you everyone -

Thank you everyone -

Well, as Emma here on Vr.com knows, we have the name Emma picked out already but that could change in a year's time. However, the historic home we were married in - we found out that the home was built in the 1800s by a man for his new bride and guess what her name was....? :) Emma of course. Sometimes a person can really feel God's leading in their life.

Also, both Wayne and I are English/Welsh and Emma is a solid English name! It is just so beautiful and sounds so perfect for a sweet, dainty little Chinese girl.

I will be praying madly to God to help me "hold these good thoughts" and to not let go of them!! It is a constant battle with me to stay focused and positive.

Thank you everyone for being so kind.

And Karlynn - yes, I guess us "mature" people need to expect some deterioration here and there. :)

Christina L

So - what's the baby's name going to be? Just kidding, probably will jinx things to talk about that yet.

As far as the "age relaxation". I don't know about anyone else but I have a lot of body parts suffering from "age relaxation" not at all connected to my heart (other than sharing blood supply). :D :D ;)

All in all - great news and thanks for sharing.
Girlie have I not told you so before? That slight enlargement my be a permanent result of having the defective valve, but is in no way impeding your ongoing progress. Now get rid of Mr PulseOxi too and get on with your life. You ain't gettin any younger!!!! :D
Gina -

Gina -

Girl, can we talk? :) I hear ya with the relaxation of body parts and ROSS don't remind me that I am getting older, because I don't need any reminding!

Especially with this heart surgery stuff recently - time is sure marching on and quickly!!

You know, maybe when the time gets closer and the adoption process is further along, I will start a "name the baby" contest here on Vr.com. :) Truly, we (especially Wayne) could use some suggestions for names. Right now it is Emma but giving a child just the perfect name is so important. Mom always thought that names were God-ordained as I was named after my grandmother and was the only "musical" daughter, my sister was named after Dad and had his personality, my other sister named after an aunt and was JUST like her, etc. I feel that God will direct us in that regard but a contest would be fun!!

Thanks again all, Ross especially thanks to you for your "tough love" i.e. spankings. ;)

I, personally, would like to spank my cardiologist for starting all of this in the first place with his "mildly dilated" diagnosis. The rat. I told Wayne that Dr. Larson just wants to see me every six months - he had to make up something to get me back in there. Hee. Don't I wish that were the case. :rolleyes:

Christina L
I don't know Christina--"Age relaxation", I have it too, and a LOT of it. :D

The report sounds beautiful. Get on with your life, and don't look back. Can't wait to see the pics when you have your gorgeous little child.
I had a friend years ago who had a baby girl. Two days later she had still not named the baby. When I asked her what the baby's name was, she said, "I don't know, she hasn't told me yet". Apparently the baby "spoke" to her a day or so later because she finally put a name on the birth certificate. So, I guess everyone has their own idea of how to name a baby.

A name will come to you but you may simply need to meet your baby first.
Thank you Nancy -

Thank you Nancy -

such good advice and sorry to hear that you are "relaxing" too - we just need to accept it, I guess. Hee.

Gina, I think that is what we will do is have two or three names "at-the-ready" when we go to China to meet our daughter for the first time and I'm sure God (not our daughter) will tell us what to name her. :) That is too funny about your friend and how she named her baby.

BTW, I need to especially thank (again) our resident radiologist right here on VR.com for taking the time to go over my echo report himself and he (Marty) told me the exact same thing (pretty close) that Cleveland's radiologist did. Marty, you're too wise. :) Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

Christina L
geebee said:

So - what's the baby's name going to be? Just kidding, probably will jinx things to talk about that yet.

As far as the "age relaxation". I don't know about anyone else but I have a lot of body parts suffering from "age relaxation" not at all connected to my heart (other than sharing blood supply). :D :D ;)

All in all - great news and thanks for sharing.

Gina, I'm with you ....I've got a few parts more relaxed than they used to be. I guess they just got tired of staying put. Oh well, such is life.

Christina, that is an absolutely wonderful report! Do follow up with the sleep thing through for your own peace of mind.
So glad to read your news Christina and look forward to watching your adoption plans progress. Best wishes for all the joy that is about to come your way.
and i thought I WAS a worrier :rolleyes: ...

Hey girl your report sounds great to me and I am a total novice still at this stuff...

I too look forward to pictures of your young EMMA !...;)

I reckon its a sign from heaven that this name keeps popping up and you will soon be blessed with a gorgeous lil girl...and we want picies :D
Betty -

Betty -

Yes it is a wonderful report and I hope that all of you won't let me forget it!! I plan to pursue the sleep study IF the doctor thinks it is warranted. I may have to wear the oxygen again and do the monitor if the machine didn't get much taped last night. I have yet to hear from the pulmonary office. I slept really well with oxygen on - as far as I know. Will be anxious to see what my sats were if the monitor stayed on most of the night.

Phyllis and Dick - thanks for the well wishes. You two should know how much joy children bring to your life - you have a wonderful family.

Aussigal - I am beginning to see that I have everyone beat on VR.com by a long shot (even Mark!) when it comes to being a worrier. The adoption process takes 12-14 months to complete from start to finish, SO you all won't see pictures of the little one until probably very late next year - we will be sent a referral photo about 6-8 weeks before we travel to China. It is quite a process with lots of paperwork and money involved - I guess the waiting for the referral is the hardest part. It will be a thrill to travel to China and visit that country, although I am not looking forward to that looooonngg plane trip and switching planes in-country (another fear of mine - gotta give that to God in prayer also). Again, this adoption is now in God's hands and we will take it step-by-step and see where it leads.

Christina L
So happy to hear your good news. Now, "relax" and enjoy the good life that God has given you. Best of luck with the adoption process - sounds like some lucky girl will have wonderful parents.

Great News!

Great News!

So glad you got a good report, now you can move forward and have the best year ever in 2006. Wishing you the best always and with the adoption of your little girl.
Christina, I was so glad to read your post!!! What wonderful news, both about your heart and about your adopting a baby girl from China.

I was in China in 1999 (a little before my AVR) and saw lots of couples with their new daughters going around and seeing the sights. I think you have to spend some time there while you bond with the baby...so a good time to sight see.

We also have friends that adopted their daughter from China about 6 months ago. The whole thing went very well for them, and their new daughter bonded with them just about the moment they met her and took her back to the hotel.

Lucky little girl to get you guys as parents, whatever her name ends up to be!

You take care of yourself and move onward with your life!
Cindy, Cris, and Nan -

Cindy, Cris, and Nan -

You are all just so kind and your words really inspire me and lift me up. So many people have told Wayne and I they think we would be wonderful parents. I think we will, too, but parenthood is very challenging from what I have heard. Hee. I just want to be healthy enough to be a parent to our daughter and not a hindrance to her. God is in the details regarding this path Wayne and I are planning on traveling down.

We submitted our adoption application on Saturday and now they are checking into the three references we gave them - we could not use relatives as references. The orientation will be January 14.

Tomorrow Wayne and I will be visiting with another cardiologist (I saw him pre-surgery for a second opinion). Now I want his opinion regarding this latest echo of November 1. Of course, Cleveland gave me a glowing interpretation of the echo - very different than how my regular cardio interpreted it.

I will inform you all tomorrow night how the appointment went and what this cardiologist said. He is a real "talker" and I am looking forward to picking his brain - you know me!! I will pick till there's nothing left! Hee.

P.S. My thoughts and prayers are with the miners and their families right now in W. Virginia. Life is so capricious - it is precious and none of us has a guarantee on how many years we will live, but we have a choice to live the years we have as well as we can. God be with those folks in their time of need.

Christina L

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