Getting VERY frustrated...

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, how y'all doing? I though I would update you guys on Kev. He's sitting in San Diego, waiting for his orders to be posted on BUPERS, but....they have been taking their sweet time. His orders have been cut, and released, they just have to be sent and imputted into bupers. Anyways, he's been sitting there since september 30th, bored and they made him move out of the room that had any form of entertainment in it, to a room with a bed and some drawers in it, no phone, no tv, NOTHING. He even has to share his bathroom with his neighbor. He just wants to come home.

On the up side, he isn't going to Diego Garcia for a year, instead they are sending him back to the pacnorthwest, where he will be stationed at navsta bremerton security detachment. THat is good news. A few more years of shore duty...I can handle that! I just want him to come home. Sorry about the gripe above,but I can't really vent to him, because it makes him feel bad. I know it isn't his fault, he wants this over as bad as I do. He's a great guy, I wish you guys could meet him. Hey, yall should have a reunion here in Seattle, what do you think? Well, Thanks for listening to me vent.
I'm not ignoring your post. In fact, I've looked and read it several times. I just didn't know what to say. Still don't know what to say.
I hope it all goes well for the both of you and I realize what a toll it's taking on both of you. :)
Hey Ross, how are you? I just miss him, that's all. I am anxious for him to come home and see how much the boys have changed, and get to talk to Ian and ERik again. I have changed the house around a lot, and he hasn't seen it. I painted the house, and he hasn't seen it. Poor guy, he won't even recognize the place! I miss his hugs, and talking to him not long distance, you know...face to face! This is the first time we've been apart for so long, other than that, maybe 5 days at the longest was all we were ever apart, and that was to be in my best friends wedding. Well, take it easy!


Hi Joy:
He'll be home soon,and you can have your first night out re-union at the Yacht Club Broiler in Old town on Bay Shore Dr.
Hang in there.

Vent away, kiddo. Those times when we can't be with our loved ones are the toughest of all. It is great, though, that he's not headed any farther away like you first thought. Here's hoping that the red-tape machine drops into high gear and gets Kevin home soonest.
Hey JIm and Johnny, I think we should have a west coast reunion, what do you think? or we could make it a Dr. Verrier's patient reunion! What do you think?

THe only thing that bugs me is the WAIT for Kevin to come home. It just seems never ending, and since we don't know when he is coming home, well, it just makes it seem that much longer. He was supposed to come home after his reenlistment ceremony on the 1st of this month, but he can't detach from there until he has orders. HE's talking about maybe next week he could be home. THat would be good. THe yacht club? WE don't have a yacht, and we've never been there. WEll, I better get going. Take it easy, and thanks for listening to me vent! It helps!
West Coast Reunion

West Coast Reunion

Hey joy good idea,BTW the yacht Club Broiler is a real nice rest,on Bayshore DR,in Silverdales Old Town area,down by the water
Go ahead and vent. You have every right to. My husband used to travel a little bit for work, but no longer does. I hated it and he was never gone that long. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. The not knowing must make it really tough. Hang in there. He will be home soon. In the mean time just keep venting away. Everyone here completely understands.

Take Care!
hi joy!
that is such good news, that kevin is coming home!!
i can totally understand how you must long for him, his presence. please feel free to express your feelings in any which way ...that's what we're here for.
he will be here before you know it. remember how the waiting is usually the worst part???
so glad that you have this to look forward to.
stay well and enjoy. all the best, sylvia
Hey Joy,
Hope you're feeling better. Anticipation is an ugly thing. Hang in there, I did it for ten years. My ex would be out for six months at a time and then come home to find out they had to go BACK out and finish someone elses west-pac. It's kind of like labor, you remember the pain, just not how intense it was when it's over.
Bye the way, you don't need a yacht to go to the Broiler, just a good appetite ;) Keep us posted.
Hey dad,
How do we know when the Doc's Reunion is? Does he send out invites?
Get - together

Get - together

Hey, Joy, great idea on the get-together! Perhaps we can all get together for a nice dinner at the UWMC cafeteria? Sorry, just kidding... :D

I'd be open to any ideas..
Get together

Get together

Hey John,the ferry food would be better:D
